I am extremely satisfied with this new look and think it has a nice, classy appearance. It turned out better than I imagined. It is nice to spice the blog up a bit and I wouldn't have been able to do it without David. Thank-you again for this wonderfully generous gift my friend!!
However, I do have a problem with being able to link the banner/header to my homepage so that readers can return back to the the main page once finished reading a specific post. I had to chop some code out of the template to get the image to work. I guess I don't know html as much as I thought. I use the classic template and refuse to switch. It's what I know and prefer.
So this is my plea, can someone help me fix this problem? David was so kind to offer his help but he's not so familiar with blogger. I have looked all over the google help group for assistance but still can't figure this out. I will post the code that I have below to help you know what I'm working on. If that isn't enough to help understand and repair the problem then I can give someone my login information and I'll just change my password once the work is done.
I'd prefer not to use that option but I trust my readers. :)
I'd be so very grateful for any help that you might be able to give me.
Here's the code that ends with the beginning of the content code:
/* Header
----------------------------------------------- */
#header {
margin:0 auto 0 auto;
height: 200px;
background: url(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2019/2179140994_e5f3b75362_o.jpg) no-repeat center;
border-bottom:0px dashed #ccc;
/* Content
----------------------------------------------- */
~Peace to all beings~