
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dealing with Anger.

Over the years, I have wrestled with anger and felt it's sting every time. A lot of times I get angry for reasons that I feel are justified, but even so, I pay a price for letting someone's rude actions disturb the calm waters of my mind. One example being rude drivers on the roads, but getting angry at them doesn't do any good for my mental health. I might feel justified, like I sometimes do, but striking-out at other people is like a bee stinging you when you try to take their honey. They strike-out in anger by stinging you, but in the process they are hurt worse because in the process of stinging you they die.

I'm learning through Buddha that there are other ways to react to problems, solve disagreements or process disappointments than through anger. There are other ways to resolve differences without lashing out in rage. People are less likely to compromise with you or change their behavior if you yell at them with angry words and insults. They simply yell back and you're even further away from resolving your problem with them!!

I'm trying to do meditation in the car to lessen my anger while driving. I simply try to focus on my breathing and remember that mistakes happen but how I react determines how much those mistakes will affect me in a painful way. Another method I try to use is seeing the rude drivers as people suffering greatly. They are unhappy inside, so they lash out at others because they don't know how to handle their pain. They are like a wounded animal that tries to bite you even though you aren't trying to hurt them. They are confused and don't know how to solve their problems, so they blame everyone out of ignorance and delusion. It helps me have compassion toward them instead of anger, which calms my mind rather than succumb to the ego's desire for vengeance.

~i bow to the buddha within all beings~ 

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