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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Yesterday I had such a rewarding, touching and profound experience. I went with my father to volunteer at a community kitchen in the basement of a downtown Presbyterian church that offers free meals to those who need them. I helped out in the kitchen preparing the food and then was stationed out in the dining room to offer people something to drink. I then went around and asked people if they wanted refills of their drinks.It was a great chance to give back to the community and meet some really...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Rock Candle Holder for the Altar

A new picture of our main alter. We finally got a matching rock candle holder to the one on the left when we went to the Cave of the Winds in Manitou Springs, Colorado. It glows up nicely--you can see the reflection glowing in the three-tier, vertical, red candle holder.~Peace to all bein...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Travel Shrine from India

My oldest brother (and sibling) went on a business trip recently to India and brought us back this lovely, beautiful, little Buddhist shrine. The neat thing about this little shrine is that we can take it with us when we travel. Anyway, this gift is very meaningful to me as we follow a different religion from the rest of my family and this shrine represents respect, tolerance and acceptance of our faith. I was very touched emotionally and am honored and grateful for such a loving gesture. Thank-you...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Addressing the Question of Why Predominately "Buddhist Countries" Seem to be So Violent and Waring

I received an excellent question on one of my older posts regarding Buddhism and violence from Bangkokker. He wanted to know how Buddhists can explain the violence that one often sees in predominate "Buddhist countries." The following was my humble attempt to answer. Feel free to add your opinions in the comment section. One words of caution--this is a long post:I think that most Buddhists (especially the monks--although Thai monks are getting rather militant as of late) in Buddhist dominated countries...

Monday, June 18, 2007

An Inspirational Father's Day Story

James: This is an inspiring, beautiful, tearful, joyous story of a father and son bonding and accepting each other for who they are and celebrating that relationship:My name is Richard E. Hoyt Jr., and I have cerebral palsy. I cannot speak or walk. To write this story, I'm using a computer with special software. When I move my head slightly, the cursor moves across an alphabet. When it gets to the letter I want, I press a switch at the side of my head.I am half of Team Hoyt. We are a father-and-son...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Selfishness is "Heaven and Hell"

I once heard a story about a visit to heaven and hell. In both places the visitor saw many people seated at a table on which many delicious foods were laid out. In both places chopsticks over a meter long were tied to their right hands, while their left hands were tied to their chairs. In hell, however much they stretched out their arms, the chopsticks were too long for them to get food into their mouths. They grew impatient and got their hands and chopsticks tangled with one another's....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Being a Buddhist

Have confidence in your own spiritual potentiality, your ability to find your own unique way. Learn from others certainly and use what you find useful, but also learn to trust your own inner wisdom. Have courage. Be awake and aware. Remember too that Buddhism is not about being a Buddhist; that is, obtaining a new identity tag. Nor is it about collecting head-knowledge, practices and techniques. It is ultimately about letting go of all forms and concepts and becoming free. --John Snelling,...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Buddha Clouds

The supreme water spirit Ocean covers the earth with clouds; the rain in each place is different, but the spirit has no thought of distinction. Likewise, Buddha, sovereign of truth, extends clouds of great compassion in all directions, raining differently for each practitioner, yet without discriminating among them. --The Flower Ornament Scripture, trans. by Thomas ClearyJames: This is such beautiful prose and underscores my realization that there is a slightly different version of the Dharma...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Man Eats Dog

LONDON - A British artist has eaten chunks of a corgi dog, the breed favored by Queen Elizabeth II, live on radio to protest the royal family's treatment of animals.James: This is the ultimate in irony and flawed logic. The man protests the treatment of animals by the British royal family by eating a dog?? That's the kind of logic that says it's o.k. to kill an abortion doctor to keep him from "killing" babies.It also reminds me of the argument that torturing people is o.k. if it means we will...

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