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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Proteksi Folder Windows Tanpa Software Khusus

Folder-folder penting dan rahasia agar tidak mudah diakses oleh orang lain sebaiknya diberikan perhatian khusus berupa pemberian proteksi demi keamanan data yang ada di dalam folder tersebut. Apalagi proteksi ini untuk melindungi hak akses seorang anak ke folder khusus orang dewasa.Cara memproteksi folder pada windows cukup gampang yaitu hanya dengan menggunakan perintah dari prompt drive...

You Left Hand Isn't Superior to Your Right.

The sound in this video is of poor quality so you'll want to turn up the volume.James: I call Thich Nhat Hanh my teacher for many reasons: He's straightforward, uses simple explanations that explain deep concepts, has a knack for knowing how to teach the western mind, has a great sense of humor and is very kind and compassionate. His left hand, right hand analogy was a revelation to me when I was first studying Buddhism because it really helped me see the big picture of interdependence, interconnection and no self. I hope you enjoyed it too!!~Peace to all bein...