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Friday, January 28, 2011

Pay Per Click Bohong

Mungkin anda adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak orang pengguna internet yang bertanya-tanya apa betul tanpa mengeluarkan uang bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan uang hanya dengan mengikuti PPC (Pay Per Click), Pasti Progam Pay Per Click maupun Program Pay To Click adlah Bohong. Kalau anda salah satu yang bertanya demikian silahkan baca artikel ini hingga selesai.Berbagai macam pertanyaanpun...

Food Review: Boca Original Meatless Chicken Nuggets.

If you're the kind of vegetarian, like myself, then you aren't a purist; preferring only the taste of vegetables. Even after 9 years of being vegetarian; I miss the taste of meat--yes, I know, a lot of vegetarians think that is blasphemy but it's purely about flavor. I don't want to kill or be complicit in the killing of animals for my food but I never hated the taste of meat. However, I do dislike the smell of cooking meat but I think that's from the animal fat burning.Anyway, so, I eat faux meat...