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Monday, November 24, 2008

Belajar Funfsi IF Microsoft Office Excel

Fungsi IFSetelah pada postingan kali lalu kita pelajari tentang fungsi SUM, AVERAGE, MAX dan MIN maka kali ini kita akan maju ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi lagi yaitu fungsi logika IF.Format rumusnya adalah =IF(persyaratan pertama;nilai1;=if(persyaratan2;nilai2 ... ;nilain)dari formula di atas jika dilogikakan maka dapat dibaca, Jika persyaratan pertama terpenuhi maka nilai1 ditampilkan,...

Nothing Lasts Forever.

Body impermanent like spring mist;mind insubstantial like empty sky;thoughts unestablished like breezes in space.Think about these three points over and over.-Adept Godrakpa, "Hermit of Go Cliffs"James: I've been meditating over these verses for awhile now and the essence that I feel from these lines is one of liberation from the chains that keep me anchored in the deep bedrock of the ego-self. Reminding myself of the impermanance of the body emphasizes that the disease schizoffective disorder,...