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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Buddhists from space leave crop circle?

Amy Oliver, DailyMail.co.uk, Aug. 13, 2012; Wisdom QuarterlyIntricate crop circle of Buddhist symbol for infinite time and wisdom appears in crop fieldBuddhist endless knot symbol illustrates perceptions of reality.This is the latest intricate crop circle to appear overnight in a British wheat field.   The mysterious pattern resembles the ancient Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an "endless knot" -- a complex loop of lines and circles to illustrate the eternal flow of time.used    ...

Who are the "Buddhists from space"?

Dharmacharis Seven and Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly The Buddha under, on, above Mt. Sumeru, Axis Mundi, with humans at base (michielkauwatjoecom).     Cave art: sky devas (Jasspierxia)Who are the "space aliens" (akasha-loka devas) and how could they be Buddhist? As funny as it may sound, there are Buddhists in space.   "Space" (Sanskrit, akasha) refers to the infinite sky. Beings coming from, patrolling, or living in the sky are referred to as akasha devas -- literally,...

WikiLeaks' Julian granted asylum in Ecuador

Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)(veteranstoday.com)  WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who forestalled extradition to Sweden (then abduction to the US for torture and silencing) from the UK by asking for humanitarian asylum from Ecuador while residing safely in its London embassy, has been granted permission to remain in the embassy indefinitely.  The US/UK will not stand for it. Assange is wanted for questioning -- never having been charged --...

Permaculture solutions: Biodiversity

BeeKeeper Davey, TheGrowingHome.net Suggestions on mulching remind me that a longer-term solution is to encourage biodiversity.   The wider the range of all kinds of insects one has living and dying in a garden or farm, the more likely there will be a dynamic balance of beneficials and non-beneficials. Plant insect varieties choose edibles and ornamentals. Let some of the edibles go to seed. And plant trap crops, such as milkweed for aphids. Johanna Campos of the Armory Art Center's ...