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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Buddhism for Vampires" (Halloween)

David Chapman (Buddhism-for-Vampires.com); Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIESCOMING SOON, BREAKING NEWS: Peaceful Buddhists go on murderous rampage. European vampires were killed and given a special postmortem meal -- a stake. Here a female had a brick placed in her mouth to prevent her from feasting on blood (Daily Mail). WQ has been sitting on this Bon/Black Magic exposé. For Halloween, we introduce B.F.V.   Cheater and Sap vamps (Life&Style)“Buddhism for vampires? That’s silly. Buddhism...

China: "Buddhism has a 'devil' as its 'Pope'"

Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIESChina thinks this humble CIA operative/asset (not "agent") -- spiritual leader and former head of state, Tibetan "God-King" or Vajrayana "Pope" -- is the devil (AP/Examiner.com).   Bon is the  pre-Buddhist black magic infused shamanism of Tibet and Bhutan. It blended with the missionary religion of peace and enlightenment from the subcontinent below.   But Buddhism did not displace Himalayan superstitions,...

Shambhala: Save on all Buddhist titles

Shambhala Publications; Wisdom QuarterlySave 30% and get free shipping (by 3-31-13 when using the code BCAL12 at checkout, U.S. Media Mail only) on Shambhala's entire Buddhist catalogue now including Snow Lion. Want a sneak peek of the catalogue? Check it out online to find: new books and audio, special offers and discounts, excerpts and author interviews, articles and mo...

Canada seeks to restrict religious freedom

Barbara Lamb; Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly Anyone can be imprisoned, tormented, and deprived of humanity (ULC/themonastery.org)   As Buddhist practitioners some of us volunteer serving a prison community (mutually supportive sangha). We have seen how spiritual practice can transform lives and lead to real rehabilitation.Unfortunately, the Canadian Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, is cancelling the contracts of all part-time, non-Christian chaplains in federal penitentiaries --...