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Monday, January 28, 2013

7 Makanan Yang Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Anda

        Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Kata Kolesterol mungkin sudah tidak tidak asing di telinga kita. Tahukah anda, kolesterol merupakan salah satu lemak tubuh atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama lipid. Sebagai lemak tubuh, kolesterol ternyata memiliki berbagai fungsi di dalam tubuh kita. Fungsi kolesterol sebagai lemak tubuh yaitu sebagai penyusun struktur pada membran sel, melindungi kulit dari racun dan masalah kekeringan pada kulit tubuh serta pembentukan vitamin D (bersama sinar UV). 

       Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Kolesterol memang memiliki beberapa fungsi penting dalam tubuh kita, jika kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda normal. Tapi jika kadar kolesterol dalam darah anda mengalami kenaikan atau tinggi. Maka hal ini dapat menjadikan masalah serius bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Bermacam gangguan kesehatan pada tubuh seperti gangguan ereksi, gagal ginjal, serta jantung merupakan akibat dari kenaikan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang  mungkin bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Sahabat, tips kesehatan, berikut ini 7 makanan yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda :
  1. Makanan penurun kadar kolesterol yang pertama yaitu tomat. Meskipun tergolong ke dalam buah-buahan, tomat ternyata dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh anda. Anda dapat membuat tomat menjadi jus tomat yang enak dan minum dua gelas jus tomat sehari  merupakan salah satu langkah terbaik untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh.
  2. Makanan yang kedua yaitu buah delima. Buah delima ternyata sangat baik pula untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda. Manfaat buah delima sendiri yaitu untuk mengurangi penumpukan plak kolesterol serta mampu meningkatkan produksi oksida nitrat yang dapat membantu dalam mengurangi plak pada arteri.
  3. Makanan berikutnya yaitu alpukat. Buah alpukat ini merupakan salah satu buah-buahan yang dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol yang baik dalam tubuh anda. Karena ada dua jenis kolesterol dalam tubuh kita yaitu kolesterol jahat atau LDL dan kolesterol baik atau HDL.
  4.  Makanan berikutnya yaitu anggur. Buah anggur ternyata juga sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik dalam tubuh kita. Minum dua gelas jus anggur setiap hari sangat dianjurkan untuk menjaga kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda.
  5. Makanan yang kelima yaitu bawang putih. Meskipun tergolong rempah-rempah atau bumbu dapur, namun bawang putih ternyata juga sangat baik untuk menurnkan kadar kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh kita. Usahakan mengkonsumsi satu siung bawang putih perhari untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat pada tubuh anda.
  6. Makanan berikutnya yaitu berbagai makanan dari olahan kedelai seperti tahu dan tempe. Kedua makanan tersebut juga sangat baik untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh anda. Manfaat lain yang dapat kita peroleh yaitu kedua makanan tersebut yaitu kaya akan protein juga.
  7. Makanan yang ketujuh yaitu kacang-kacangan seperti kacang tanah, kenari, almond. Kacang-kacangan tersebut ternyata sangat baik untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat pada tubuh anda. Ini dikarenakan kacang-kacangan tersebut banyak mengandung lemak Omega-3 serta antioksidan.
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       Semoga tips kesehatan yang membahas 7 makanan yang menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca blog ini. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis. (Sumber : majalahkesehatan, tabloidnova).
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Metal Slug Game PC Collections 1.2.3. Full Version Free Download

Metal Slug Game Collections all Prat 1.2.3.The gameplay of the series is characteristic of run and gun games: large numbers of enemies and a player character with extremely powerful weapons. In most run and guns, contact with an enemy leads to annihilation. In this series, however, contact results in the opportunity to perform a melee attack and the opportunity for the enemy to perform a melee attack of his own if he has one. The player's melee attack is also much stronger than most shots. This leads to the ability for the player to run in and use melee attacks to take down a number of troops
, and the ability to quickly defeat enemies that can take plenty of damage like the mummies in Metal Slug 1.Metal Slug 2.Metal Slug 3.Metal Slug 4.Metal Slug 5.Metal Slug 5.

The player starts with only a simple pistol, as the game progresses the player picks up new weapons. The player can only carry one weapon at the time, when a new weapon is found it replaces the old one. Similarly, when the ammo runs out, the player reverts to using the handgun. A new system was implemented with Metal Slug 6 allowing players to carry two larger weapons and switch between them as well as the default pistol.

Metal Slug Game Collections

Metal Slug 1,
Metal Slug 2,
Metal Slug 3,
Metal Slug 4,
Metal Slug 6,

Metal Slugs PC Games In The SV-001 or Metal Slug is the main vehicle of the Metal Slug franchise. It is a small, cartoonish silver-gray tank (SV is short for "Super Vehicle"). The tank is armed with one cannon and twin vulcan cannons. The vehicle can jump and crouch. Crouching opens a hatch on the top of the tank through which grenades can be thrown. The grenades are independent of the cannon's ammo system. The vehicle can run over infantry and perform a suicide attack, with the driver jumping clear and the tank ramming into and exploding upon the target. The vehicle can take three direct hits before it is destroyed. The enemy chaser variant has a shield that must be destroyed before the vehicle can be destroyed. It is propelled by caterpillar treads. Over time, these specifications changed into any vehicle armed with a vulcan cannon and a cannon variant suited to the role of the vehicle, and propelled suitably for that vehicle's environment. In Metal Slug 6 (and the home version of Metal Slug X, 3, 4, 5), Tarma can lock the vulcan cannons into one position and fire continuously. The "slug gunner" is considered the epitome of slug evolution.
 Metal Slug 1 Game Metal Slug 2 PC Game Metal Slug 3 PC Game Metal Slug 4 PC Game Metal Slug Metal Slug 5 PC Game and Metal Slug 6 all PC Metal Slug PC Games collections  is the main vehicle of the Metal Slug franchise. It is a small, cartoonish silver-gray tank (SV is short for "Super Vehicle.

System Requirements  and Other Information

  • Processor= 233MHz
  • RAM= 64MB
  • Graphics= 32MB

How TO Download  


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CCleaner Professional 3.27.1900 With Crack License Key Full Register Free Download

CCleaner Professional 3.27 With Free License Key For free Download,CCleaner 3.27 Crack Full Register For Free Download,CCleaner 3.27 is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. CCleaner Final Version v3.27.1900  With Free License Key and Crack file,CCleaner Professional 3.27 is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.CCleaner Professional  is our system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or


CCleaner Professional 3.27 Key Fechar

 Cleans the following:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Windows - Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
  • Registry cleaner
  • Third-party applications
  • 100% Spyware FREE

  • Runs on Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

    CCleaner Professional 3.27  Features

    Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...
    Registry Cleaner
    Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more...

     How To Register 

    CCleaner Register

    Step 1; Disable your Internet at first
    Step 2; Remove older version at first [if any]
    Step 3. Install from "ccsetup327.exe"
    Step 4. After installation, Don't run the program. If running then exit.
    Step 5. Copy "branding.dll" from Crack folder To Pest "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"
    Step 7. Run CCleaner
    Step 8. Enter the following details to register the program

    Name :    Registered User
    License Key : CBB4-FJN4-EPC6-G5P6-QT4C
    Step 9. Now, you can connect your internet.
    Step 10. Enjoy...


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    Hard Drive Inspector Pro 4.11 With Crack Full Register Free Download

    Hard Drive Inspector Pro 4.11 Final Build 145 Full Crack Register for Free Download.Your PC Drive Complete Information Program. Easy To Use Hard Drive Inspector 4.11 program that monitors computer disks' health to prevent crashes and expensive hard disk recovery.The Hard Drive Inspector 4.11 Power Full Fetcher The value of information stored on an average computer hard drive often exceeds the value of the computer itself.
    Hard Dive Inspector Pro 4.11 Crack for free Download and Easy To Crack  Register and Serial Key Register Down scrolling Use the given key to


    Hard Drive Inspector 4.11 is an easy-to-use program that monitors computer disks' health to prevent crashes and expensive hard disk recovery. The value of information stored on an average computer hard drive often exceeds the value of the computer itself. But a hard drive is one of the most unreliable internal computer devices. When it crashes (which happens quite frequently), the stored information will be lost fully or partially. Subsequent hard drive recovery is either not possible at all, or constitutes a very sophisticated and expensive procedure that can be performed only by specialists.

    Hard Drive Inspector 4.11 -Modern hard drives support S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) that was specially developed to detect upcoming disk failures. Using this technology Hard Drive Inspector can monitor the current state of various life-critical parameters describing a disk's reliability and performance. Hard Drive Inspector analyzes this data and warns the user if the parameters indicate a critical reduction of disk reliability. Timely alerts make it possible to copy the data and replace an unreliable disk, thus preventing information loss and costly hard drive data recovery.

    System Requirement Other Information   

    • Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/Windows 7
    • Languages: English, Russian, Norwegian, Italian, German, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Dutch-Belgium, Slovak, Arabic, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Portuguese-Brazil, Chinese-Taiwan, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Belorussian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Polish, Romanian, Farsi, Finnish, Turkish, Danish

    How To Crack Register  

    Step 1: Run the setup and Finish
    Step 2: Go To Crack "Folder" Copy Crack File "HDInspector.rgr" and Go To "directory Folder"C:\Program Files\Hard Drive Inspector... Paste to Crack File and Click To "Copy and replace" Button
    Remember me in Your Prayers


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