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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Istilah Singkatan dalam Komputer part G-H

gain : Perubahan dari tingkatan signal audio yang melintasi amplifier atau device pengubah power lainnya.gap : jarak antara blok-blok data data pada suatu magnetic tape yang tak ditulisi.garbage : data yang jelek, perintah (command) yang tidak seharusnya dan segala input yang dimasukan ke komputer tetapi tidak terpakai.garbage collection : penanganan memory yang dilakukan secara otomatis oleh...

Buddhism and Abortion.

(Note: These words are purely mine and represent my views and reflections alone. I am not a Buddhist teacher nor represent a specific tradition or teacher) There has been some heated discussion in my last post about whether a Buddhist can be pro-choice (allowing women a legal right to an abortion). But before I get into my views of abortion I think it is helpful to speak to the sutras/texts first. It is true that it appears that Buddha advised against abortion in the sutras and cannons but there...