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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Topology Jaringan LAN (Local Area Network)

Dalam merancang sebuah jaringan Local Area Network (LAN), sangat perlu ditentukannya topologi jaringan yang akan digunakan agar nantinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita, ini penting karena sangat berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan dan proses perawatan jaringan itu sendiri serta pengembangannya ke depan.Jika terjadi kesalahan dalam penentuan topologi jaringan mengakibatkan mubazirnya jaringan yang...

The Zen Mind Documentary.

"The Zen Mind" is a documentary by Empty Mind Films. I definately will be buying this DVD. There is a fuller description of the film below.Zen has been surrounded by myth, taboo and misconception. The Zen Mind is a journey across Japan to explore the practice of zen and expel some of these myths. It is a documentary full of contrasts as we travel across the width and breadth of Japan to explore Zen today. In Japan, the cloistered lifestyle of the zen monk is declining, but zen is finding a renewal among the baby boomers in the cities. Our journey starts here with a visit to the Dogen Sangha or...