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Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin: No Friend to Animals.

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." ---- Pythagoras (c.582 - 507 BC) James: I don't get too political on this blog (I have another one for that) but animal welfare is something that I feel strongly about. If the wolves are too high in numbers than repopulate some of them to different areas of wilderness. There are plenty of wild place still left in Alaska, Canada and other parts of the other...

Installasi Windows 2000 Advance Server

Untuk membangun suatu jaringan lokal LAN (Local Area Network) yang baik tentunya meliputi berbagai aspek pendukung untuk merancang jaringan tersebut, baik berupa hardware maupun software.Spesifikasi hardware pun harus mendukung system operasi windows 2000 advance server.Penulis dalam praktikum kali ini menggunakan IBM X Series 206, dengan memori 512 MB, Harddisk 80 GB dibagi dua partisi...