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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Way of Rich With Rp 1.000,00

1960 1000 Rupiah Indonesian note People's lives in pursuit of wealth, for example, during the reign of 2004-2009, there is no such thing as a BLT and a little help from the government. to the usual luxury cars still want to thank the CAT, as each day replace the car to replace the Office of the shuttle rose alias. also could not even minibus broke.  For those who are completely unable to use public transport, the BLT is undoubtedly highly anticipated and is expected to include the usual luxury...

Promotes tourism in the city to China

In order to introduce the tourism potential of the city of Jakarta and improve the attractiveness of foreign tourists who visited Jakarta, Jakarta Tourism and Culture constantly promote the tourism and culture in several major cities. This month, Jakarta Tourism and Culture is being promotion in three cities in China, namely Guangzhou, Chongqing and Beijing. These promotions are filled with the issue of participating Roadshow 2011 in Jakarta 10 Jakarta tourism industries.  Jakarta Head of Tourism...

Euro falls on downgrade Italy, Greece concerns

The euro fell sharply on Tuesday, nearing a seven-month low against the dollar after Standard and Poor's cut its debt rating in Italy and as investors worry about whether Greece can borrow money much needed cash international lenders. These concerns encouraged investors to exit a wide range of riskier assets, with the Australian dollar briefly linked with the growth economy, currency hit a one-month low and emerging as the Brazilian real is under heavy pressure. The European single currency hit...

Netflix Move Sets up potential sale or spin-off

Decision of Netflix Inc. (NFLX) 's DVD to divide its operations from the service of transmission of strains of reduced emblematic mail order business and paves the way for an eventual exit, analysts said. A pure-play business online would be smaller and faster growth, more freedom to experiment, said George Askew, an analyst at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore. "The separation of the transmission line and DVD will be the stage for the division or the sale of the DVD business in the future," said Askew, who has a "hold" rating on the shares. Netflix has dropped 31 percent in the last three...

Mempunyai Niat Beramal Bagi Makhluk Hidup, Maka Andapun Mempunyai Berkah Besar!

Mempunyai Niat Beramal Bagi Makhluk Hidup, Maka Andapun Mempunyai Berkah Besar! Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Sembahsujud kepada Biksu Liaoming, Acharya Sakya Dezhung, Gyalwa Karmapa ke-16, Acharya Thubten Dhargye. Sembahsujud kepada Tri Ratna di mandala. Gurudhara, para Acharya, Dharmacarya, biksu lhama, dharmaduta, pandita lokapalasraya, ketua vihara, dan para saudara sedharma, selamat sore semuanya! Hari ini hadir lagi di Vihara Vajragarbha Fuyu (福佑雷藏寺), di daerah...

(The Inconceivable Transcendental Power) One Hundred and Sixty Million U.S. Dollars --- 《超級大法力》 一億六仟萬美元

(The Inconceivable Transcendental Power)One Hundred and Sixty Million U.S. Dollars《超級大法力》一億六仟萬美元Grand Master Lu's Article published at World True Buddha Newspaper 730Translated by Nora Wang, Proofread by Yee Lin Lee, Edited by Jessie LohRelease Date: December 19, 2009 Release version: Final One of my disciples, Lotus Suomai, hit the lottery for 55 million U.S. dollars. At that time, in 2006, I had just come out of seclusion and started to transmit the following practices: * Golden Mother's Instant Wealth Practice * Golden Mother's Eight Longevity Health Practices * Golden Mother's Wish Fulfillment...

True Practice

I remember one night when I was performing my duties for Taichung's South Gate Bridge Land Surveying Company, an invisible spiritual teacher descended and continued to teach me the Tantric Dharma over a period of three years, averaging an hour per night. Back then, my arms and legs were often manipulated by the invisible spiritual master, and these experiences made me realize that Gods and spirits really exist in this universe; that there is such a thing as a "spiritual world", and the "invisible" does exist. I hence made a vow that this shall be my conviction in life and I would cultivate...

Upacara Dharma Untuk Perlindungan Negara --- 護國法會的盛事

Upacara Dharma Untuk Perlindungan Negara護國法會的盛事 Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Pada tanggal 03 Mei 2008, kembali ke tanah air Ku, Taiwan, Aku memimpin sebuah Ritual Homa Kalacakra. Lebih dari tiga puluh lima ribu orang menghadiri upacara itu yang diselenggarakan di Stadium Linkou. Kumpulan orang yang begitu banyak menarik media sehingga publik memberi perhatian besar pada upacara itu. Diantara para tamu kehormatan yang hadir adalah: Sekretaris Kuomintang, Mr. Dunyi...

Mantra Pembalik Simhavaktra Dakini 獅面空行母迴遮咒

Mantra Pembalik Simhavaktra Dakini獅面空行母迴遮咒 Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Pada suatu ketika.Ada seorang mahabiksu yang sangat tinggi kedudukannya, sangat terkenal dan memiliki kekuatan spiritual, datang ke daerah dimana Aku tinggal untuk menyebarkan Dharma. Banyak sekali umat Budha, begitu mendengar mahabiksu ini akan datang, langsung datang dari delapan penjuru untuk menghadiri Upacara Dharmanya. Dengan membawa cenderamata dan beberapa buah buku tulisan sendiri,...

Menjadi Biksu Atau Tidak Menjadi Biksu --- 出家與不出家

Menjadi Biksu Atau Tidak Menjadi Biksu出家與不出家 Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Ada orang yang berniat menjadi biksu, namun juga berpikir tetap ingin menjadi perumahtangga, ia mondar-mandir di antara kedua niat inidalam keraguan, sebenarnya menjadi biksu atau tetap menjadi perumahtangga? Oleh sebab itu, ia datang berkonsultasi. Ia bertanya:'Haruskah (saya) menjadi biksu?' Aku menjawab:'Sakyamuni Budha memuji mereka yang menjadi biksu, menjadi biksu dapat berbhavana sepenuh...

千轉輪法 - Qian-zhuan-lun Fa - Metode Melipatgandakan Penjapaan

Homage to Grand Master Lian Sheng 千轉輪法 - Qian-zhuan-lun Fa Metode Melipatgandakan Penjapaan Source : Enlightenment Magazine T238 Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An photo : seed syllabel RAM ("LAN") by True Buddha Student Yamantaka999 密宗法門中,有一祕密法,就是「千轉輪法」,也有『千轉輪咒』,這也是精細的妙法之一。這即是一個密宗行者唸咒,但唸一遍,使用了「千轉輪法」或『千轉輪咒』,這一遍的咒,就變成一千遍,這是極具變化的大方便密法。   行法時先觀想「法輪」,誦讚:「諸天神將護法輪,我今祈轉千遍輪,心如法來現密意,一一如真光分明。」於是,法輪旋轉,空中現出一一行者,共計有千人之眾,這一千個人就是自己的分身變化,全由千轉法輪中,變化出來的,布滿整個虛空;於是觀想虛空中的行者,全部合掌唸誦真言,這一句真言咒,就等於是一千人同時唸,唸完拜一拜佛,再唸第二句,唸完再拜一拜佛,唸十句,拜十回佛,此咒等於一萬遍了。 至於「千轉輪法」,細述之如下: 行者端身靜坐,澄定己心,過去、現在、未來之念都不著身心。這就是法界三昧地。 想自身頂上有一梵字「蘭」(...