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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tips Mudah Memasak Mie Instan Yang Sehat

      Hai, Sahabat. Tips Kesehatan. Sebagian besar masyarakat kita, paling suka berbagai kegiatan yang sifatnya yang praktis dan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat. Dari makanan pun juga sangat suka yang sifatnya praktis dan mudah di buat. Salah satunya yaitu mie instant. Makanan yang satu ini sangat digemari oleh sebagian besar masyarakat kita. Tapi tahukah anda, ternyata mie instant sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan tubuh anda, jika tidak di masak dengan benar. Lalu, bagaimana...

Scientists find brain's "moral compass"

DailyMail.co.uk (March 30, 2010); Wisdom Quarterly[MIT] scientists have discovered a real-life "moral compass" in the brain that controls how we judge other people's behavior.The region, which lies just behind the right ear, becomes more active when we think about other people's misdemeanors or good works.Morality is a better guide than parents, godsIn an extraordinary experiment, researchers were able to use powerful magnets to disrupt this area of the brain and make people temporarily less moral.The...

The Secret Space Program Conference (video)

Samertje; Wisdom Quarterly; Wallpapervortex.com (space photo) (LINK) The Secret Space Program Conference, April 3, 2011, Amsterdam, HollandSECRET SPACE PROGRAM Conference 2011(ProjectAvalon.net) Members of European Ground Crew (groundcrews.eu) held an nternational conference in Amsterdam on Sunday April 3 2011.The Secret Space Program Conference (Disclose....

"My Brother, Buddhist Monk" (film)

Sage Yelm; Wisdom Quarterly "My Brother, Buddhist Monk" 2012 documentary from Finland in Finnish with English subtitlesThis approximately 26-minute film covers the spiritual adventure of a 26-year-old Finnish guy who is leaving the household life and his home country to become a Buddhist monk in an ancient Theravada school offshoot known as the "Forest Tradition," as inspired by Ajahn Chah and other prominent teachers many of whom were made famous by Jack Kornfield's Living Buddhist Masters, in...

Gemscool portal game online di indonesia

Kali ini kami informasikan tentang Gemscool Portal game online indonesia,Tempat anda bermain game gemscool yang menyediakan permainan-permainan seperti gemscool Point Blank, gemscool Lost Saga, gemscool Atlantica dan sebagainya.Gemscool online permainan yang disediakan secara gratis untuk di download,dimana kita bisa bermain dengan pemain beneran lain dari tempat lain dengan menggunakan koneksi Internet hanya duduk depan komputer. Bahkan ada juga Forum Gemscool game online indonesia yang berfungsi...