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Saturday, January 12, 2013

VLC Media Player 2.0.5 With Skins Free Download

VLC Media Player has some powerful features, Stream over a server for unicast or multicast streams, Customizable skins, toolbars, and button configurations, frame-by-frame advancements, decryption of region lock DVD playback and much much more.VLC Media Player is the player that fulfils all your needs. It will never ask you to download additional codec's to be able to playback a file format. VLC can also decode 1080p Blu-Ray HD content as well as DTS audio.VLC media playerVLC is a free and open...

Bukti Pembayaran Kedua Ipanelonline

Mohon maaf para pembaca sekalian karena bukti pembayaran kedua dari IpanelOnline ini bukan bermaksud untuk memamerkan keberhasilan, tetapi lebih kepada memberikan informasi bagi blogger atau pengguna internet yang ingin berpenghasilan dari internet dengan cara mengikuti survey dan dibayar dengan sejumlah uang. Ipanelonline adalah salah satu website survey online yang sudah terbukti dua k...

Internet Download Manager 6.14.Final Build 5 With Patch Free Download

Internet Download Manager v6.14. final build 5 Added Windows 8 compatibility. Fixed compatibility problems with different browsers including Internet Explorer 10, all Mozilla Firefox versions up to Mozilla Firefox Aurora, Google Chrome. Improved FLV grabber to save videos from web players on YouTube,  Google Video, MySpace TV, and other popular sites Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery...