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Monday, July 28, 2008

Proteksi Sheet pada Microsoft Office Excel

Setiap perusahaan besar maupun kecil tentu mempunyai privatisasi, atau batasan-batasan tertentu dalam mengakses data berdasarkan jabatan yang seseorang atau hak akses yang di berikan kepada sorang karyawan.Seperti contoh misalnya pada perusahaan perdagangan atau kita ambil contoh yang sederhana saja misalnya di sebuah toko penjualan alat-alat tulis kantor, tentu tidak semua orang boleh...

Buddhism and Evolution.

While Buddha didn't have much to say about the origins of life and the universe I find the Dharma to be very open to evolution. Evolution says that we evolved from other life forms and are therefore just new models of previous models of life which means that we must have genes and DNA that are similar and we do.We humans share some 96 percent of genetic material with chimpanzees which affirms my Buddhist belief that we are irrecoverably interconnected and dependent upon other life forms. We are...