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Friday, July 6, 2012

Q: Where did Egyptians come from? A: Punt

Wisdom Quarterly, NOVA, History Channel, Coast to Coast with guest Frank Joseph HoffAtlantis has definitively been discovered...in Asia (Frank Joseph Hoff/Coasttocoastam.com)   The Land of Egypt's Ancestors Peter Tyson (NOVA)The female Pharaoh Hatshepsut told us more about Punt ("Poont") than anyone else in ancient times. But even she was silent on its exact location. The ancient Egyptians left mountains of evidence for Punt, none more so than Pharoah Hatshepsut, whose 3,500-year-old...

Audio Dharma by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Bhikkhu Bodhi, Tricycle.com, Chaung Yen MonasteryAfghan (Gandhara) style Buddha (San Francisco Asian Museum)   From the wide range of meditation subjects found in the Buddha’s discourses [sutras], the ancient teachers of the Theravada tradition have selected four subjects and grouped them into a set known as “the four protective meditations”: Recollection of the BuddhaLoving-kindness meditationContemplating the Unattractive Nature of the BodyMindfulness of DeathThe four are called...

Sacred Chinese site plans $118 million IPO

CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly(Bloomberg Businessweek) The managers of Putuo Mountain, a Buddhist shrine where worshippers go to pray for healthy children, want to raise 750 million yuan ($118 million) in an initial public offering, China Daily reported today...    Plans for the offering by one of China’s four main Buddhist mountains come as China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs has criticized local governments for seeking to turn a profit off religious sites....

Many mysterious creatures in Mexico (video)

Xochitl, CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly (LINK)   Dr. Swift with some of the Acambaro figuresACAMBARO, Mexico - In 1944 a German man, Waldemar Julsrud, was hiking when he found an ancient figure. Hundreds more figurines were found by laborer Odilon Tinajero, who was sent out to search the area -- eventually 30,000 pieces in all.   Aside from similarities to known Mesoamerican styles, such as that of the Chupicuaro Indians, there were figurines that could not be placed...

Paranormal TV: Hollow Earth Exploration (video)

Paranormal TV Channel; Wisdom Quarterly    Dr. Hank Krastman presents an incredible amount of evidence for there being an entrance to our hollow Earth. It was stumbled upon and documented by Navy Admiral Byrd. Yet, people unfamiliar with his expedition while in the military, scoff at the very thought then attempt to use their tiny and erroneous understanding of physics to disprove the very possibility of his confirming flight.     Never mind that the governments of the world ban all photographs of the poles that might show the openings when they are uncloaked....

Definisi Ilmu Komputer

Berhubung blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer ini mempelajari tentang bagian dari Ilmu Komputer dan seluk beluk komputer maka wadah belajar Ilmu Komputer gratis ini perlu menulis tentang definisi Ilmu Komputer. Ilmu Komputer dalam bahasa Inggris Computer Science yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari tentang komputasi baik itu perangkat keras (hardware) maupun perangkat lunak (software).Ilmu komputer ini...

Daftar Kode Bank Untuk Transfer ATM Bersama

Daftar Kode Bank Untuk Transfer ATM Bersama :  Untuk Transfer uang bisa anda lakukan dengan cara langsung datang ke Bank terkait maupun menggunakan mesin ATM.Cara lain Transfer uang yaitu via sms Banking dari masing - masing bank, Baikbank mandiri, BCA, BRI dan Bank lainnya. Bila anda sedang menjalankan bisnis onlinedan ingin melakukan transfer tapi  banknya berbeda maka Anda bisa transferantar bank lewat ATM Bersama. Di bawah ini adalah kumpulan daftar kode bank untuk transferyang...