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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bangladeshi Buddhism comes to the LBC

Saumik Barua (Bodhi Mission), Dharmachari Seven, Wisdom Quarterly visits Long Beach (2)The Buddha in a tree (NoahOz/flickr.com)  Vultures Peak, Rajgir, IndiaThe Buddha lived in Magadha, in a middle kingdom ruled by a benevolent king (Bimbisara) seated in a capital ringed by seven hills (Rajagriha). He preferred a lookout from a hill called Vultures Peak, so named because the shadows of the large stones there appear from a distance to be vultures.    This kingdom, or janapada...

Happy for No Reason (audio)

Marci Shimoff with Aurora Winter, griefcoachacademy.comMarci Shimoff is happy and in love for no reason at all (OmTimes.com)    (awarenessmag.com)How do we raise our current happiness level? Is there a process to open our hearts and dissolve all pain, heartache, and psychological emptiness.    Sometimes we need a fresh approach to deal with the negativity in our mind, in our relationships, and in our environment. What is it? What are the three essential "happiness habits"...