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Stephanie Pappas (LiveScience.com, Sept. 26, 2012) via Space.com
Hooded or helmeted space Buddhist (akasha deva)
It sounds like a mash-up of Indiana Jones' plots, but German researchers say a heavy Buddha statue brought to Europe by the Nazis was carved from a meteorite that likely fell [to Earth] 10,000 years ago along the Siberia-Mongolia border.
This space Buddha, also known as "iron man" to the researchers, is of unknown age, though the best estimates date the statue to sometime between the eighth and 10th centuries.
The carving depicts a man, probably a Buddhist deva, perched with his legs tucked in, holding something in his left hand.
On his chest is a Buddhist swastika, a[n ancient worldwide spiritual] symbol of luck that was later co-opted by the Nazi party of Germany.
"One can speculate whether the swastika symbol on the statue was a potential motivation to displace the 'iron man' meteorite artifact to Germany," the researchers wrote online Sept. 14 in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science. The iron man first came to Germany after a 1938-1939 Tibet expedition by zoologist and ethnology Ernst Schäfer, who was sent to the region by the Nazi party to find the roots of Aryan origin. More
Space is the place; it is where part of our roots are among the many humanoid species.
Why were Nazis interested in Buddhist paraphernalia?
Dhr. Seven, Pat MacPherson, Wisdom Quarterly
"Hitler bad, Vandals good" (msnbc.com).
Inner-circle German "National Socialist" party leaders (referred to by the shorthand Nazis) like Goebbels, Himmler, and the Austrian Vril Society ladies headed by their oracle Maria Orsitch were fascinated by all things occult -- particularly as they related to "Aryans" and beings from space who contacted the party through Vril and other means. Whether these were well meaning entities from Aldebaran, the Nordic goddess (devi) Freyja, the northern quadrant sky/space King Vaisravana, (Vessavana), or sinister titans (asuras), it is hard to say. But Nazis tried to deify their mouthpiece Adolf Hitler (much as Rove was the architect for Bush), a skillful orator kept on drugs that produced delusions of grandeur, in the public eye. They did this by associating him with the myth of Aryan forbears, psychic Madame Blavatsky Buddhist/Theosophical lore, religious symbols (like the iron cross and swastika), vegetarianism, German pagan and Spiritism movement trappings. Modern people, weighed down by their counter-propaganda biases and assumptions, can't be bothered to assimilate the complicated-truth when a compelling-narrative is so much easier to swallow. Why did the Nazis go to Tibet? Why did they send delegations all over the world to inspect extraterrestrial artifacts and bases, particularly in Antarctica? Why did they build saucer-shaped craft and time-traveling bells (Die Glocke)? Why did they try to unite the world under one tyrant?
"Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide," premiering October 1-2, 2012
"Half the Sky" is a landmark transmedia project featuring a four-hour PBS primetime national and international broadcast event, a Facebook-hosted social action game, mobile games, two interactive websites, educational video modules with companion text, and an impact assessment plan. All of this was inspired by the eponymous, widely acclaimed book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.
The series follows Kristof, WuDunn, and six celebrity activists including Diane Lane, America Ferrera, Olivia Wilde, and Nicole Kidman as they travel to nine countries and meet inspiring, courageous individuals.
Across the globe oppression is being confronted, and real meaningful solutions are being fashioned through health care, education, and economic empowerment for women and girls.
Embedded in the linked problems of sex trafficking and forced prostitution, gender-based violence, and maternal mortality -- which still needlessly claims one woman every 90 seconds -- is the single most vital opportunity of our time. And all over the world, women are seizing it.
The University of California regents will pay about $1 million to 21 UC Davis current and former students who were pepper-sprayed during a peaceful campus protest last November.
A video of the incident that went viral shows an officer casually walking up to and aiming a thick stream of the [carcinogenic] spray directly into the faces of [peacefully] seated [demonstrating] students at close range during an Occupy rally. The incident triggered outrage and an investigation by the university.
In the settlement, each student who filed suit will each receive $30,000 and a handwritten apology from UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi.
Student Ian Lee was a freshman when he was pepper sprayed.
"The reason we were protesting was that the university has proposed unfair and unreasonable tuition hikes," Lee said.
In addition, the university system has agreed to $250,000 for the students' legal fees. Lee said he plans to use all of the money to pay future tuition. More
What's to happen to criminal cop John Pike? The UC will lose $1.25 million, but all of this was caused by one man -- Lt. John Pike. What will happen to him? Will it be deducted from his pay, future earnings, will he pay his "debt to society" in a cell? He brutalized students. He inspired a meme. He brought disrepute on the UC. And he walks away unscathed? The Huffington Post reports he "no longer works" as a UC cop, but no one is saying if he was fired or quit.
Sehat merupakan sebuah kondisi tubuh yang terhindar dari segala penyakit. Dalam hal ini, Sehat jiwa dan raga. Ada yang bilang, sehat itu mahal. Tapi kenyataan itu tidak seratus persen benar adaya. Banyak yang bisa kita lakukan agar tubuh kita sehat, tanpa mengeluarkan uang. Berbagai tips kesehatan dapat kita praktekkan dengan mudah tanpa mengeluarkan uang. Sehingga kesehatan tubuh kita selalu terjaga dalam rutinitas keseharian kita. Lalu apakah tips sehat yang murah dan mudah tersebut....????
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Banyak sekali yang bisa kita praktekkan agar selalu sehat dengan mudah tanpa mengeluarkan uang. Semoga tips kesehatan berikut ini bisa sedikit membantu dan memberikan informasi bagi anda yang ingin mencari alternatif kesehatan dengan murah dan mudah. Berikut ini tips sehat yang murah dan mudah yang bisa anda praktekkan dalam keseharian anda :
Tingkatkan intensitas bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat disekitar anda maupun dengan teman-teman anda di sela-sela libur dari segala rutinitas anda. Dalam hal ini, berbincang -bincang tentang hal-hal ringan (tanpa bermaksud bergosip atau menguak kejelekan orang lain) dengan warga disekitar rumah anda maupun teman-teman anda. Ini dikarenakan, dapat menghindarkan anda dari penyakit jantung di usia tua. ( 7 Tips Mudah Menjaga Jantung Agar Tetap Sehat ).
Tips sehat yang kedua yaitu dengan menarik nafas dalam-dalam lalu lepaskan dengan perlahan. Tips ini bertujuan agar anda lebih rileks sehingga mampu melepaskan semua beban hidup yang membelenggu pikiran anda selama ini.( Inilah 7 Tips Efektif Menghilangkan Stress ).
Tips sehat yang ketiga yaitu tidur. Tidur merupakan aktivitas yang paling mudah kita lakukan. Tidur sangat baik untuk kesehatan kita. Disamping mengembalikan kondisi fisik dan pikiran kita ke top performa yang sesungguhnya. Jadi Tidurlah 7 sampai 8 jam sehari, agar mendapatkan tidur yang berkualitas. ( Inilah 7 Tips Agar Tidur Lebih Berkualitas ).
Tips Sehat yang keempat yaitu olahraga. Aktivitas yang satu ini sangat mudah kita lakukan tanpa mengeluaran uang sedikitpun cukup meluangkan waktu anda di pagi hari dan setiap waktu di sela-sela aktivitas padat anda. ( 5 Olahraga Yang Mudah Dan Menyehatkan ).
Tips Sehat yang kelima yaitu berlibur dengan imajinasi anda ketempat yang pernah anda kunjungi atau tempat yang ingin anda kunjungi. Ini Sangat baik untuk kesehatan anda, karena anda akan lebih rileks disaat anda merasa telah lelah di pikiran dan jiwa. Tips ini juga sangat mudah dan tanpa mengeluarkan uang serta berdampak baik pula pada kesehatan anda.
Buatlah daftar tentang daftar makanan yang harus anda makan pada makanan harian anda. Ini bertujuan untuk membatasi jumlah kalori makanan yang masuk ketubuh dan menghindarkan anda dari berbagai makanan yang malah bisa membahayakan tubuh anda. Tips ini sangat murah dan mudah, karena anda hanya butuh pensil dan buku catatan saja. ( 7 Makanan Untuk Tidur Pulas dan Nyenyak ).
Tips sehat yang ketujuh yaitu luangkan waktu untuk membersihkan rumah anda. Dalam hal ini yang ringan-ringan saja seperti menyapu lantai, atau membersihkan halaman rumah anda. Karena dengan begitu, tubuh anda akan lebih sering bergerak yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan anda dan juga lingkungan anda akan tampak lebih bersih dan menciptakan lingkungan sehat yang akan berdampak pula bagi kesehatan tubuh anda.
Semoga tips kesehatan yang membahas 7 tips sehat yang murah dan mudah berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pembaca sekalian. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : muuph, adajendeladunia).