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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Panduan Setting Modem CDMA Venus VT-12 Dengan Perdana StarOne

Sebelum memasang modem CDMA Venus Vt-12 pada port USB computer atau laptop anda, lakukan installasi software untuk modem venus vt-12 dengan cara:Langkah pertama,Masukan cd driver ke cd/dvd-rom drive, apabila autorun berfungsi maka akan langsung muncul jendela installasi driver modem venus vt-12, namun apabila autorun tidak berfungsi maka kita harus melakukan installasi secara manual...

Mike Huckabee: Gay Marriage Not a Civil Rights Issue.

Former presidential candidate and extremist Christian Mike Huckabee claimed on the American t.v. show, "The View" that gay marriage is not a civil rights issue. Yet surely he wouldn't say keeping blacks from marrying whites wasn't a civil rights issue?Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was on The View Tuesday talking about same-sex marriage and declaring that gay rights are not civil rights because gays have not had violence inflicted upon them like Blacks have. HuckabeeSaid: "People who are...