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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Q: Is "Swinging" Sexual Misconduct?

Wisdom Quarterly (EDITORIAL)Q: "Let's say someone did find themselves in a mutually consenting relationship and wanted to go to a swinger's [sex] party or engage [with] multiple, even random, sexual partners. While it might not be sexual misconduct in the first instance, might [it become] that if [it] developed into an accustomed habit over expos[ing] oneself sensually? To keep with the spirit of the Dharma, would it be better to let go of craving, or is it neither-here-nor-there to cultivate such...

Profitable Karma (sutra)

Wisdom Quarterly inverted translation (Kusala Sutra, alternative rendering) The Buddha encourages all to replace the harmful with the beneficial (Nithya Priyan/Flickr).By one indeed is the unprofitable done, And by oneself is one defiled.By one is the unprofitable left undone,And by oneself indeed is one purified. Purity and impurity depends on oneself.No one can purify another (Dhp 165). "Disciples, develop the profitable.* It is possible to develop it. If it were not, I would not say,...

Ke$ha and Britney on The End of the World

Wisdom Quarterly (April 2011)Ke$ha wrote the lyrics, Britney Spears sings them. Their advice for the end of the world? "Just dance." Translation: Don't pay attention. Add, "Make a lot of good karma," and we agree.What if the world ends? What if it doesn't? The "world" as we know it is a series of rapidly forming and disintegrating moments. Because we do not pay close enough attention, we do not normally notice the incessant rise and fall of physical and mental phenomena. But together they form the...

Cara Install Anti Virus Smadav Terbaru

Bagi pengunjung blog Belajar Komputer yang ingin mengetahui cara install anti virus Smadav terbaru, silahkan download terlebih dahulu anti virus Smadav versi terbaru. Silahkan download di sini. Setelah download, kini saatnya untuk mengetahui cara install anti virus Smadav.1. Jalankan file smadav terbaru (double klik)\2. Klik Acept 3. Click Install 4. Pilih bahasa yang digunakan ...