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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Buddha is Still Teaching: Contemporary Buddhist Wisdom: A Book Review.

Buddhism appeals to many of us because we are simply exhausted from the pace, chaos and suffering that too often is the price of living in a modern world. Unfortunately we aren't always able to slow down enough to meditate daily and/or savor a in-depth tome on the Dharma. Fret, not!!The contemporary, Buddhist greats have thrown us a life-line yet again. Once again, this time, we are in-depted to Jack Kornfield. He has compiled short, easy to digest, essays and snippets of wisdom from today's great,...

Blogisattva Award Results are In.

The Blogisattva Awards have been announced and as usual they represent some of the most thought-provoking, English-speaking, Buddhist blogs on the internet today. I am honored to know these valuable writers, and highly recommend ALL of the blogs honored. Online Buddhists have really carved out a vibrant and supportive sangha over the past decade. I am quite excited about the future and know that Buddhism is in good hands on the internet.~Peace to all bein...