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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Telinga Anda

      Telinga merupakan salah satu indera yang terdapat pada manusia. Seperti yang kita ketahui, ada lima indera pada diri manusia yaitu indera penglihatan, pendengaran, perasa, pencium dan pengecap. Semua indera tersebut sangat berperan penting dalam segala rutinitas dan kehidupan yang kita jalani saat ini. Oleh karena itulah, menjaga kesehatan lima indera termasuk indera pendengaran atau telinga sangat penting dan tidak boleh kita abaikan begitu saja. Lalu, adakah tips menjaga kesehatan telinga yang terbukti ampuh....????

       Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Seperti yang sudah sama-sama kita ketahui, telinga merupakan indera yang berfumgsi sebagai alat pendengaran Mungkin ada orang di sekitar anda, yang pendengarannya kurang normal, maka sewaktu kita ajak ngobrol akan sulit nyambungnya atau orang yang tidak bisa mendengar, otomatis dia akan bisu. Karena tidak ada suara yang dapat ia tangkap. Oleh karena itulah, penting kiranya tips kesehatan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dennga tips menjaga kesehatan telinga. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Berikut ini tips menjaga kesehatan telinga anda :

  1. Usahakan menghindari atau menjauhi tempat-tempat yang terlalu bising. Tempat-tempat tersebut seperti area konser musik dan tempat-tempat yang menurut anda tidak baik untuk kesehatan pendengaran atau telinga anda.
  2. Usahakan tidak mendengarkan lagu-lagu kesukaan anda dengan menggunakan earphone atau pengeras suara yang dipasangkan ke telinga anda agar orang lain tidak bisa mendengar musik yang anda sukai.  Hal ini juga tidak baik untuk kesehatan organ pendengaran atau telinga anda.
  3. Usahakan menggunakan cotton bud untuk membersihkan telinga pada bagian ronga luar telinga saja dan jangan sampai ke bagian telinga bagian dalam. Ini dikarenakan, kotoran pada telinga bukannya keluar tapi makin masuk ke dalam telinga anda. Karena terdorong oleh cotton bud yang anda tekan masuk ke dalam telinga anda. Hal ini juga sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan telinga anda. Karena fungsi pendengaran anda akan mengalami gangguan.
  4. Untuk langkah yang paling tepat dan sangat dianjurkan. Kunjungilah dokter THT untuk mengetahui kesehatan telinga anda. Karena dokter THT akan memeriksa telinga anda dan memberikan saran yang terbaik bila ada gangguan atau masalah yang terkait dengan fungsi pendengaran atau Kesehatan telinga anda.
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       Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Semoga tips yang membahas mengenai tips menjaga kesehatan telilnga anda bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : cafeberita, sourceflame).
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The trouble with Burma (audio)

TheWorld.org, PRI, Public Radio Int'l (audio); Wisdom Quarterly
Dictator Gen. Than Shwe crushed Buddhist "troublemakers" with backing from China until US Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton started coming by and acting like the highest bidder.

The monks rose up for the Saffron Revolution
RANGOON, Burma - Myanmar is emerging from decades of repression and international isolation. The one-time military government has enacted democratic reforms, and the U.S. and others have responded by suspending sanctions. 

Now the country also known as Burma is viewed as a promising frontier economy. But there’s a downside. A rush of foreign investment could imperil Yangon’s collection of colonial-era buildings, an emblem of a time when the city was a cosmopolitan hub in the English empire.
The generals who ruled [and renamed Burma] Myanmar since the 1960s isolated the country and drove its economy into the ground. Being stuck in time has been a curse for Myanmar’s people, among the poorest in Asia. But it’s also had the unforeseen effect of preserving hundreds of ornate buildings from the 19th and early 20th century. More

Burma's Pagan or Bagan, an ancient city of thousands of pagodas and shrines (Wiki commons)
What was the "Saffron Revolution"?
Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Burma's Saffron Revolution (Amnesty Seattle)
An explosive situation in Burma was fueled in 2007 by crushing price hikes for basics opposed by 35,000 Buddhist monks and their supporters, who defied the military dictatorship. Rising prices for essentials set off protests. A junta of generals warned peaceful demonstrators as they staged days of anti-government protests. Military leaders reacted by imposing a nighttime curfew and banned gatherings of more than five people. The country's hard-line military rulers soon resorted to extreme force to stop the biggest anti-government demonstrations Burma had seen in nearly two decades, led by the country's Theravada Buddhist monks. Soldiers in full battle gear were deployed throughout the country's largest city, Rangoon, setting the stage for a showdown with a determined pro-democracy movement previously led by "The Lady," Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who rather than being allowed allowed to rule was deposed in a military coup immediately after democratic election and kept under house arrest for years.
Burma’s "Frontier" Investor
Burma is going through some rapid transitions. In just the last year, the country’s military dictators have freed Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest and allowed [rigged] elections [that keep them in control] to be held. Now the country is opening up to foreign business as well. [Enter Hillary Clinton and other suitors.]

The Buddha: Seclusion for Meditation (sutra)

Based on texts sourced by Theravadin ("How to Really Cleanse Your Mind"); translation by Seven, Ven. Karunananda, Ph.D., and Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly
Scene from the Dhammapada (114) as the Buddha teaches lay and monastic hearers (savakas)
“…Meditators, herein [in accordance with this teaching] the ordinary-uninstructed-worldling -- who has neither seen noble [enlightened] ones  nor great persons [those ennobled by their actions, i.e., brahmins], who is neither knowledgeable nor trained in the teaching of noble ones -- does not know which thoughts are wise to think and which unwise.
On a lotus pedestal (Peterpribylla/flickr.com)
“So one thinks what is best left unthought and does not think what would be beneficial to think.
“Meditators, what thoughts are best left unthought? Such thoughts as arouse sensual cravings not yet arisen and thoughts that develop arisen sensual cravings…
“Furthermore, one unwisely thinks these unprofitable thoughts:
  • Was I in the past or not?
  • What was I in the past?
  • Will I be in the future or not?
  • What will I be in the future?” (Sabbāsava Sutra)
“…O meditators, one who has heard the Dharma dwells in twofold seclusion -- with body secluded [withdrawn, guarded, able to succeed in meditation] and with mind secluded.
“When dwelling secluded one recollects the Dharma [one has studied] and follows it.
“At such times, O meditators, when secluded one remembers and thinks about (contemplates, considers) the Dharma again and again, mindfulness [non-evaluative awareness] as a Factor of Enlightenment has begun... mindfulness as a factor of enlightenment is being cultivated...” (SN, Mahavagga, Sīlasutta).
() Music for concentration, help with work, studying, and getting focused. Works best with earphones. More

Our HOLLOW Earth: The Evidence (video)

Wisdom Quarterly presents another episode from the Paranormal TV Channel vault

Dr. Hank Krastman reveals a massive amount of evidence for an entrance to our Hollow Earth. How do UFOs, which no one believes in, relate to the center of our living planet?
The Hopi, a Native American tribe or First Nation, maintain legends explaining where and how to enter the Hollow Earth.
Not only these oral tradition "Indians," there are also ancient Sanskrit writings from India that reveal the structure of levels in the world(s) beneath our feet and in space. The evidence has to be seen to be believed!