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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Telinga Anda

      Telinga merupakan salah satu indera yang terdapat pada manusia. Seperti yang kita ketahui, ada lima indera pada diri manusia yaitu indera penglihatan, pendengaran, perasa, pencium dan pengecap. Semua indera tersebut sangat berperan penting dalam segala rutinitas dan kehidupan yang kita jalani saat ini. Oleh karena itulah, menjaga kesehatan lima indera termasuk indera pendengaran atau telinga sangat penting dan tidak boleh kita abaikan begitu saja. Lalu, adakah tips...

The trouble with Burma (audio)

TheWorld.org, PRI, Public Radio Int'l (audio); Wisdom QuarterlyDictator Gen. Than Shwe crushed Buddhist "troublemakers" with backing from China until US Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton started coming by and acting like the highest bidder.   The monks rose up for the Saffron RevolutionRANGOON, Burma - Myanmar is emerging from decades of repression and international isolation. The one-time military government has enacted democratic reforms, and the U.S. and others have responded by suspending...

The Buddha: Seclusion for Meditation (sutra)

Based on texts sourced by Theravadin ("How to Really Cleanse Your Mind"); translation by Seven, Ven. Karunananda, Ph.D., and Amber Dorrian, Wisdom QuarterlyScene from the Dhammapada (114) as the Buddha teaches lay and monastic hearers (savakas)  “…Meditators, herein [in accordance with this teaching] the ordinary-uninstructed-worldling -- who has neither seen noble [enlightened] ones  nor great persons [those ennobled by their actions, i.e., brahmins], who is neither knowledgeable nor...

Our HOLLOW Earth: The Evidence (video)

Wisdom Quarterly presents another episode from the Paranormal TV Channel vault Dr. Hank Krastman reveals a massive amount of evidence for an entrance to our Hollow Earth. How do UFOs, which no one believes in, relate to the center of our living planet?   The Hopi, a Native American tribe or First Nation, maintain legends explaining where and how to enter the Hollow Earth.   Not only these oral tradition "Indians," there are also ancient Sanskrit writings...