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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Supernatural Science: Between Life and Death

TheDocumentarySite; Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyThousands of people claim to have had near-death experiences. Do these experiences offer proof for the existence of an afterlife? Or do they tell us something about the human brain's response to extreme stress?Soul and Not-Soul What is the "soul" (gandhabba) commonly referred to as spirit or ghost? In Buddhism it is a transient phenomenon composed of five "heaps" or aggregates. These factors are functionally-integrated by the...

Sage advice (Long Beach 1)

Ven. Hsuan Hua, Long Beach Sagely Monastery; edited and expanded, Wisdom QuarterlyTheravada Buddhist monk, Borobudur, Indonesia (H.KoppDelaney/H-K-D/flickr.com)   Wisdom Quarterly visits Long Beach, California this end-of-summer week. "The LBC," as Snoop Dogg famously dubbed it, is a southern coastal city in Los Angeles. It is rich due to its massive port, possibly the busiest in America. It is amazing for its diversity, at one time a hangout for sailors and shippers, merchants and traders....

Berkeley Buddhist Veggie Recipes

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery; Wisdom QuarterlyGrilled Kabobs (berkeleymonastery.org)   INGREDIENTS12 cherry tomatoes12 sweet mini peppers12 zucchini cubes, 1/4 inch12 brown or button mushrooms12 firm fried tofu or tempeh cubes 1/2 inch12 smoked gluten (seitan) or veggie meat cubes 1/2 inch1 tbsp black sesame seeds2 tbsp soy sauce paste2 tbsp Taiwanese BBQ saute pastePREPARATION Slice zucchini, cube tofu, cube gluten. Mix black sesame seeds, soy sauce paste, and saute paste. Pre-marinate...

McDonald's goes vegetarian for India (video)

Tiffany Hsu (LATimes.com, Sept. 4, 2012) UPDATED (NextVictim09) The evil Ronald McDimmu HamBorgir does something good for a change. (Norwegian black metal by Dimmu Borgir).  McDonald’s, that carnivore’s haven of beefy Big Macs and chicken McNuggets, is going vegetarian.The fast food giant will open its first non-meat restaurant next year in India, in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar. The branch, to be located by the much-visited Golden Temple, will serve herbivore options tailored to the...

Catholic Church is "200 years out of date"

(nocaptionneeded.com)   ROME, Italy (Reuters) - The former archbishop of Milan and papal candidate Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini said the Catholic Church was "200 years out of date" in his final interview before his death, [which was] published on Saturday.  Martini, once favored by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at the age of 85 on Friday, gave a scathing portrayal of a pompous and bureaucratic church failing to...