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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nasehat Vajra Acarya Shi Lian-yin

Oleh : Sadhaka Zhen-foRingkasan : Hanya mendengar ucapan Kakek Guru : "Aku sedang membantumu menyaring siswa..." Orang yang memandang Zhenfo Zong sebagai aliran sesat, sesungguhnya batin mereka sendirilah yang telah terlebih dahulu menyimpang , sehingga memandang yang lain semua adalah sesat.Coba Anda lihat sadhaka agung di masa lampau, siapa yang gemar menjelek-jelekkan yang lain ? Seorang sadhaka agung tidak pernah memfitnah, mereka berkonsentrasi untuk membina diri masing-masing.Mahaguru kita Dharmaraja Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu, adalah orang yang sangat tulus , bicaranya juga sangat...

The Light of Asia (and the World)

Sir Edwin Arnold (BuddhaNet.net); Wisdom QuarterlyBook The FirstThe Scripture of the Saviour of the World,Lord Buddha--Prince Siddartha styled on earthIn Earth and Heavens and Hells Incomparable,All-honoured, Wisest, Best, most Pitiful;The Teacher of Nirvana and the Law [Dharma].Then came he to be born again for [humans].Setaketu, Tusita world, high in Sense SphereBelow the highest sphere four Regents sitWho rule our world, and under them are zonesNearer, but high, where saintliest spirits deadWait...

Particle Physics in Pasadena (Caltech)

Douglas Smith, Caltech Media Relations, Watson lecture preview (caltech.edu); Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyThe physics of the Large Hadron Collider explained at Caltech's Beckman Auditorium, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013 (Wisdom Quarterly/Wells)   Prof. Harvey Newman, Watson Lecture (WQ)What is the origin(s) of the universe? What are its dimensions? What are its primary causes and supportive conditions? We know (or at least can know with certainty). But here,...

The Story of Setaketu (Bodhisat)

"The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas" (Maha Buddhavamsa), Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw, edited and translated by U Ko Lay and U Tin Lwi; further intensive editing Wisdom Quarterly Setaketu (Santusita) in Tusita worldThe deva Setaketu, the future Buddha, enjoyed the supreme deva bliss in the [space] abode of Tusita for 4,000 years according to deva-time reckoning (which is equivalent to 576,000,000 years in the human world).  Then 1,000 human years before the end of his life-span in the Tusita...

Opera PC browser 12.12 Windows Mac Linux Free Download

Opera PC browser 12.12 Opera is the browser that was designed to work on many different devices and software platforms. Now, we’ve enhanced our support for the most popular operating systems in use today. With basic touch support for Opera in both Windows 7 and Windows 8 Classic, you’ll have the functionality you want at your fingertips.Apple users will be able to take full advantage of Retina Display when using Opera on Macs. In addition, those on OS X Mountain Lion can use Mountain Lion’s...

Jawaban Chen Yanhua atas Tanggapan SHC (1)

Penulis: Lianhua Yanhua (蓮花彥樺)SHC, setelah membaca tanggapanmu, kurang elok kalau saya tidak membalasnya, silahkan juga anda baca jawabanku.Saya menulis artikel ‘Saya dan Sosok SHC Yang Saya Kenal’ tujuannya adalah, di satu sisi untuk meluruskan pandangan khalayak ramai, kedua adalah untuk menyembuhkan dan menyelamatkan hati orang, berharap kamu SHC dapat mengakui kebohonganmu, bertobat dan memulai hidup baru, menjadi manusia baru. Namun melihatmu selalu menggunakan lebih banyak kebohongan lagi untuk memoles diri, mendiskreditkan orang lain, saya hanya bisa tanpa tanggung-tanggung lagi menguakkan...