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Friday, November 21, 2008

Panduan Membuat Email Pribadi Gratis

Masih banyak sahabat kita yang belum punya alamat surat elektronik yang biasa disebut e-mail atau electronic mail. Jangan seperti iklan di televisi ya yang ceritanya salah seorang teman menanyakan apa nama alamat email kamu ? terus sang teman pun dengan polosnya menjawab Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara Gang Kakak Tua Nomor 100 (aneh bukan ?). Tapi sebetulnya bukan aneh tapi karena memang si teman ini...

Anti-Conversion Bill in Sri Lanka.

An anti-conversion law titled, "Prevention of Forcible Conversion Bill," is being considered in Sri Lanka's parliament. It is a bill that I generally disapprove of because I believe in the freedom of religion and while I don't personally like proselytism I think it should be included in a country's freedom of religion rights. In a country, which is 70% Buddhist (Sri Lanka) I do not understand how Christianity is such a threat that it needs to basically be outlawed.In addition, the structure of "Buddhism"...