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Monday, January 7, 2013

Why JHANA (meditative absorption)?

Gary Sanders (Against the Stream), Wisdom QuarterlyThe Buddha (FFlittleD/flickr.com)  (tumblr.com/mbe020whlb1rhekwnol)The Secular Buddhist and Full Contact Enlightenment seem to like the way I expressed my experience of meditative absorption (jhana) or access concentration. And a reader writes in:   "Good article. [I'm] interested to know how [your] "the Buddha mastered them and found they weren't the 'be all, end all,' so why bother?" thinking came [about] for you... being that...

The "Wee People" (Earth devas)

School of Spiritual Integrity (elysiumgates.com); TEAM BHUMI DEVA, Wisdom Quarterlydevi (anaan.wordpress.com)    Whether it is the Leprechauns of Ireland, Bhumi-Devas of Buddhist-India, Menehune of Hawaii, Gnomes of Germany, or Pixies of England, all cultures have traditions and tales of wonder about races of beings co-existing with humanity.Natural habitat (ayuda.wordpress.com)These beings are so diminutive [or able to shape-shift] and furtive in their actions that very few people actually...

How To youtube Unblock Open In Pakistan Proxy Ultra Self Software free download

How To Unblock  YouTube Open In Pakistan Proxy Program  Pakistan In PTA YouTube Blocked This Question has been  asked many time from me since date YouTube Was blocked In Pakistan By PTA,.......................Question is simple or People Have Right's To ask this Question   Because Need In YouTube Their Projects Better purposes, The Video Sharing Website Won't be Unblocked In  coming Days Said,PTA"The Last Statement From PTA Was given On 30th Of September; When They...