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Monday, June 20, 2011

Cement Factory EIA to be completed in August

Semarang:The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of PT Sahabat Mulya Sejati’s cement factory in Pati, Central Java, is anticipated to finished by August. “The result will be used as a reference to make a decision the feasibility of the cement factory construction,” PT Sahabat Mulya CEO, Alexander Frans said yesterday. Alex said that his company had utilized PT Mitra Adi Pranata Semarang, led by Poerna Sri Oetari, to organize the EIA. Alex said that his company wouldn't use the consultancy services provided by universities. “We use specialists in their fields, not from universities,” he sa...

Borobudur Hopes for Boost From Richard Gere

Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, is hoping Hollywood star power will facilitate boost its international profile. Actor Richard Gere, who starred in 1990 hit “Pretty girl,” can travel to the famous Buddhist temple next weekend at the invite of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Gere, a widely known Buddhist and advocate of human rights in Tibet, can arrive in Jakarta next Saturday then travel to Magelang for the subsequent 2 days. The ministry hopes the visit can boost tourism and...

Flag-raising ceremony and national pride

Al Irshad Al Islamiyyah Junior High School and Al Bani Primary School, two Islamic schools in Karanganyar, Central Java, have been in the spotlight over the past few days for their refusal to hold the mandatory flag-raising ceremony. Sutardi, the principal of Al Irshad, has insisted that saluting the flag was against his Islamic beliefs. According to him, saluting the flag was akin to shirking one’s duties to God. Not long after this, seven teachers at state schools in the district were also found...

21-year-old Californian wins Miss USA crown

LAS VEGAS (AP) — America's latest Miss USA winner is a California model and self-described history geek, obsessed with Britain's monarchy of centuries past but also a fan of “Star Wars.” Alyssa Campanella of Los Angeles says on Twitter that she was born in the wrong time period and played the popular pig-exploding game Angry Bird backstage on her iPad before the pageant Sunday night. She hopes to keep modeling after her run as Miss USA is finished, depending on how she does representing the country...