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Thursday, April 16, 2009

How do You Know it's Bad to be Dead?

Flow with whatever may happenand let your mind be free;Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.This is the ultimate.-ZhuangZi or Chuang TsuChuang Tsu or Zhuangzi was a Chinese philosopher who is seen by some to be the heir to the founder of Taoism, Laozi (Lao Tsu). However, some argue that Zhuangzi was the first Taoist who simply invented Laozi so that he could write the Tao Te Ching annoymously. He was a contemporary of Plato and though his teachings are less known than those found in...

Urutan Installasi Software Pada Komputer

Bagi para pengunjung setia Belajar Ilmu Komputer yang masih awam terhadap installasi atau pemasangan software pada komputer mulai dari sistem operasi hingga applikasi dapat diikuti urutan installasinya di blog kesayangan kita ini.Anda yang sudah sering menginstallasi software tentu postingan ini bukan untuk anda melainkan bagi pengunjung yang benar-benar belum pernah melakukan installasi...