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Friday, August 31, 2012

I Hate Tadolf Swiftler (video)

Amber Dorrian, I. Rony,  and Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyMr. Hitler enjoying nice dinner party conversation (Hugo Jaeger/TIME/Getty Images)  Acting chops on Saturday Night LiveTadolf isn't so bad. But Swiftler I cannot abide, as Jiminy Glick might put it, and I think he would agree, what with her smug poses, pretentious relationships, and overblown shows.  How long will the world stand idly by as she promotes her Naziesque patterns of behavior inducing teens to pout and break...

Alien abduction and hybrid children (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly (TheHybridChildren) LINK   Bridget Nielsen is a healer in Santa Monica, artist, mother on  many dimensions, and a longtime alien abductee used to produce hybrid human-alien children. Abductees are hypnotized and brainwashed to repress any memory of such events, but Nielsen has managed to remember and realize what continues to happen to her as her body is used in this increasingly common practice. There are now millions...