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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12 Sandy Relief Concert (webcast)

121212concert.org; RobinHood.org; TheGarden.com; YouTube.com; Wisdom QuarterlyRockers care on 12-12-12 at the Hurricane Sandy Relief Concert. Thank you Bob Geldof, a.k.a. "Pink," of the Boomtown Rats (LindseyCarlton/instagram.com)Help the Robin Hood Foundation bring relief to Hurricane Sandy survivors on the east coast of the United States. And enjoy a world-class rock concert in the process. HERE'S HOW TO WATCH: Donate online. Nirvana reunites on stage with Beatle Paul McCarthy as Kurt Coba...

12.12.12 Global Meditation (video)

TheMasterShift.com; Wisdom Quarterly; 121212concert.org; Quest4pce/flickr (photo) The time has come. Today on 12.12.12 the entire world will be uniting in two global meditations to uplift humanity and bring about a positive shift as we enter a New Age. And there's a little concert for Sandy relief to unite everyone through music if global meditation is not their thi...

Mayan Calendar may not end in our 2012

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; LiveScience.com; Kevin Todeschi (A.R.E.) UPDATEDThe Maya had calendars and  time "synchronizers," not unlike this Aztec version. They do not correspond to our degenerate Gregorian calendar. For our simplistic chart was designed to distance us from cycles associated with the stars, planets, astrology, and the 13 annual phases of the Moon.How to read the calendarPredictions about the Mayan calendar may be greatly exaggerated, which is to say: The world may not be...