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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Belajar Microsoft Office Word bagian 4

Dalam melakukan pengetikan di microsoft office word tidak terlepas dari format pengaturan tata letak teks dalam satu alinea, untuk itu sekarang kita mempelajari bagaimana cara mengatur naskah ketikan tersebut.Ada beberapa mode pengaturan yaitu rata kiri, rata kanan, rata tengah dan rata kiri-kanan.berikut beberapa contoh format pengaturan teks atau naskah dan cara memformatnya atau...

Practice Can Not Be Measured in Time.

Munindra-ji is used to say that in spiritual practice, time is not a factor. Practice cannot be measured in time, so let go of the whole notion of when and how long. The practice is a process unfolding, and it unfolds in its own time. It is like the flowers that grow in the spring. Do you pull them up to make them grow faster? I once tried to do that with carrots in my first garden when I was eight years old. It does not work. We do not need any particular length of time for this process...