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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Human Barbie voted world's most beautiful

Wisdom QuarterlyIndia's Kaif in pink at the launch of the Barbie doll she inspired (brit-asian.com)    FHM has voted Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, 27, the world's most beautiful woman, an honor that follows her very own sari-clad Barbie doll debut at the 50th anniversary of the iconic doll in 2009. She has been a reader favorite four four years running as the "sexiest woman alive." According to India Journal Kaif defines "sexy" as not being about her clothes. "The sexiest thing is not...

Summoning UFOs over Los Angeles

Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly (July 4th, 2012) Various types of UFO craft (vimanas)Robert Bingham (photo gallery at robertbingham.org) can really do it. He can summons UFOs. It is neither magic nor is he the only one. Higher order inhabitants of such crafts have telepathic abilities or possess onboard technology that reads intention and hearts.    Close up shows hovering metallic orb that zipped awayBingham communicates with them, he alleges, and they inspire him to come...

Why men prefer "conspiracy" theories (audio)

Johnathan Kay, Among the Truthers; Sonali Kohlhatkar (Pacifica/KPFK/Uprising.org) Uprising! (July 17, 2012 8:00)LISTEN: PLAY NOW (download)Kay: There’s a very good piece on the Think Progress web site about the Drudge Report’s role in sending tens of millions of web surfers to two right-wing conspiracy sites, Alex Jones’ libertarian-conspiracist Prison Planet and Joseph Farah’s apocalypse-watching World Net Daily. Here’s an excerpt [of recent revelations via the blogosphere and alternative media]:...