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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J : Buat anda yang sedang Mencari Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah ,Motor Yamaha  Mio J adalah Motor Matic Terbaik apabila dibandingkan dengan jenis motor yang lainnya. Ini merupakan solusi terbaik bagi para konsumen sepeda motor matic.
Tak hanya itu motor matic injeksi irit harga murah (ekonomis)dan mudah di jangkau maka pilihan terbaik adalahpada produk sepeda motor terbaru yaitu Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah  Yamaha Mio J. Dengan Design baru yang telah tersedia di pasar nasional ini yang sangat unik serta mempunyai keunggulan yang sesuai slogan nya "Semakin Cepat Semakin Irit...It’s Magic."

  • Mio-J mudah digunakan dan ketinggian jok rendah dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja dan cocok untuk semua kalangan dari anak Abg sampai dewasa pria dan wanita.
  • Untuk mereka yang butuh ruang untuk penyimpan barang tak perlu khawatir. Bagasi Mio J luasnya 8 liter, sehingga bisa menyimpan banyak barang seperti jas hujan, tas kecil dan juga helm.
  •  Pengguna Mio J juga tidak perlu sering-sering ke SPBU untuk mengisi bahan bakar karena besarnya tangki Mio J yang dapat diisi 4,8 liter bahan bakar. Keunggulan lainnya adalah mudah membawa boncengan karena joknya panjang.
  • Mio J sudah pasti terjamin keunggulannya. Hal ini berkat diaplikasinya sederet terknologi terdepan Yamaha, yaiut diasil cylinder, forged piston, dan YMJET-FI. Jadi bukan berlebihan bila Mio J lahir sebagai motor matik performa tinggi secepat jet dan selincah Mio, didukung kemampuan irit dan awet.
  • Untuk Spesifikasi Mesin Mio-J menggunakan tipe mesin 4 langkah, 2 valve, SOHC, berpendingin kipas dan berkapasitas 113 cc. Mesin ini mampu menghasilkan tenaga hingga 7,75 PS di putaran 8.500 rpm dengan torsi puncak mencapai 8,5 Nm di 5.000 rpm.
  • Fitur penting lainnya yang terdapat pada Mio J adalah key shutter (kunci magnet) yang meningkatkan perlindungan sepeda motor dari aksi pencurian. Jadi pada saat parkir anda tidak usah khawatir.

-       Mio J Family sendiri berkarakter dinamis, sporti, elegan, dan simpel. Ada lima varian pilihan untuk tipe Family, yaitu warna putih, hijau, biru, hitam, dan merah.
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-     Mio J Teen didesain berdasarkan 3-tone color combination. Ada tiga warna dasar berbeda dalam satu produk itu, yang dapat dilihat pada cover depan dan cover head lamp; spack board depan, cover sayap samping dan cover body belakang; cover body bagian bawah.
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    • Mio J-FI dibanderol seharga Rp 11,99 Jt,
    • Mio J CW-FI harganya Rp 12,8 Jt,
    • Mio J-CW Teen FI seharga Rp 12.,93 Jt.  

    Sobat – sobat yang berminat untuk membeli.. Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J saya jamin gak bakalan rugi kalau di beli anda sudah baca sendirikan keunggulannya.. dan supaya lebih jelasnya lagi anda bisa langsung datang ke Dialer Resmi Motor Yamaha di kota anda atau bisa juga anda Kunjungi WebSite Resmi nya http://www.yamaha-motor.co.id/. Cukup Sekian ya Sebait kalimat Tentang Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J Semoga menjadi pedoman buat sobat yang hendak Membeli Motor Metic Mio J.

    Terima kasih sobat telah membaca Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J di blog .. url Tulisan Ini adalah http://akeyboga.blogspot.com/2012/05/motor-matic-injeksi-irit-harga-murah.html
    Semoga Tulisan Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J Bermanfaat buat sobat

    The Big Buddha, Phuket; India; Central Asia

    Wisdom Quarterly
    Devi near the Big Buddha treasure in Phuket, southern Thailand (Julie0904/flickr.com)
    (Phuket.com) A few years ago, if anyone traveled anywhere south of Phuket [poo-KIT] City and looked up at the ridge of hills running down the center of the island [peninsula], one would see a towering monument under construction right at the top. 
    This is the Big Buddha, as it is known locally, destined to become a local landmark and a place for both tourists, pilgrims, and devout Thai Buddhists to visit.
    The Big Buddha, Phuket, Thailand (media-cdn.tripadvisor.com)
    About 10 years ago a group of friends were walking through the forest in the Nakkerd Hills between Chalong and Kata [Beaches] when they stumbled upon a place with stunning vistas of both sides of the island -- Chalong Bay lay in one direction, while on the other they looked down over Kata Beach and the Andaman Sea. It would, they thought, make a perfect place for a viewpoint -- something that could become as well known as Phuket’s favorite sunset viewpoint, Laem Phromthep.  More
    Ananda Buddha Vihara, Hyderabad, India (VenkataSaiKrishna/flickr.com) video

    Buddhist Temple in India
    (Urban-India.net) I read a small byline in my Lonely Planet Guide about a quaint Buddhist temple on a hill in Hyderabad.
    Off we went to the Ananda Buddha Vihara. We went up to East Maredpally and from there took a rickshaw to Mahendra Hills. Not surprisingly, the rickshaw driver hadn’t heard of the place either. We asked him to take us to Mata Amritanandmayi’s Ashrama, which is next to the temple, as he concentrated on coaxing the rickshaw up the steep streets. This Buddhist temple is the last building at the edge of a hillock [with a great view over the city]. More 
    Western-style Buddha of Central Asia (Gandhara, Bactria, Greece)
    Gandhara is an ancient region or province invaded in 326 B.C. by Alexander the Great, who took Charsadda (ancient Puskalavati) near present-day Peshawar (ancient Purusapura) and then marched eastward across the Indus into the Punjab as far as the Beas river (ancient Vipasa). Gandhara constituted the undulating plains, irrigated by the Kabul River from the Khyber Pass area, the contemporary boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan, down to the Indus River and southward towards the Murree hills and Taxila (ancient Taksasila), near Pakistan's present capital, Islamabad.
    Its [Westernized] Buddhist art, however, during the first centuries of the Christian era, had adopted a substantially larger area, together with the upper stretches of the Kabul River, the valley of Kabul itself, and ancient Kapisa, as well as Swat and Buner towards the north. More
    Thai faith is strong (Wacharapol)

    Anti-Walmart in LA with Tom Morello (video)

    (video); Wisdom Quarterly 
    Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello performs "Union Song" at the anti-Walmart rally in Chinatown today Saturday, June 30, 2012. More at LALabor.tumblr.com 
    Kind Awareness with Noah Levine
    LACMA: Ancient Mexican Art (nagas)
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
    Zen koan meditation in Pasadena
    Katie Holmes destroys Tom Cruise
    Why Christians believe what they do
    A Flicker of Serenity in Thailand
    AUDIO: The Mayan Calendar 2012
    Visit HSI LAI TEMPLE, Los Angeles
    Find inner peace at Hsi Lai Temple deep in the suburbs to the east. This picturesque temple on a hill offers public classes in meditation and Buddhism, which are available in English, as well as art exhibitions and tours. While visiting, have a vegetarian meal at the temple's large dining hall and tea garden. Temple entry is FREE. (3456 Glenmark Drive, Hacienda Heights)