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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Making "Merit" in Buddhism

Wisdom Quarterly edit of Wikipedia entry "Merit"The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha vowed to save others even from the hells (en.topictures.com)   The best merit contributes to one's growth towards liberation (nirvana, moksha, full emancipation). But it is generally useful and welcome however it manifests. Merit can be gained in a number of ways. Before the Buddha's time, it was customary to pray and make vows (deals). Others chanted Brahminical-style mantras and engaged in unprofitable rites...

Zen Koan: Gokoku's Three Shames

Wisdom Quarterly; Book of Equanimity; Koan Study Group, PasaDharma.org PREFACE TO THE ASSEMBLYThe person without clothing is indeed a naked heretic.The person who doesn't chew a grain of rice is certainly the burned-face demon king.Even if you were born in a holy place, you can't avoid falling from the top of the pole.Is there anything to cover up this shame?MAIN CASEAttention!A monk asked Gokoku, "When a crane stands upon a withered pine, then what?"Gokoku said, "On the ground below, it's a shame."The...

India plunged into darkness

Wisdom QuarterlySitting in the dark (washingtonpost.com)A portion of the population larger than the United States was thrown off the electrical grid yesterday as India suffered a massive but mysterious blackout. Its origins were unknown but eventually corrected in the five Indian states affected. Power had to be drawn from what was until recently the last Himalayan Buddhist kingdom, Bhutan. Then today the blackout grew more massive now involving half a billion people, and still the cause is unknown....

Pussy Riot goes to court (video)

Guardian.co.uk (See article)VIDEO: Pussy Riot on Putin, "punk prayers" and superheroesAUDIO: Punk band's case tests Putin's tolerance for diss...

Cara Memutar Foto Facebook

Cara Memutar Foto Facebook. Kadangkala kita dibuat pusing gara-gara foto profil atau foto teman dalam album yang dipasang miring, sehingga kesulitan untuk melihat. Untuk memutar (rotate) foto sebelum upload ke fb itu banyak aplikasi image viewer sudah mendukung fasilitas memutar foto ini termasuk adobe photoshop. Namun oleh krena masih banyak yang belum tahu cara memutar foto tersebut.Dalam...