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Monday, June 25, 2012

Is "Satori" Enlightenment?

GROWING UP MARA with Mara Schaeffer, Dhr. Seven, and Amber Dorrian, Wisdom QuarterlyQ: Is satori enlightenment? A: I was just listening to Joseph Goldstein talk about this yesterday in his outstanding "Abiding in Mindfulness" series. (I'm up to Talk 39.) He says they're pretty much the same thing.But of course they are technically different: Satori is an "epiphany" in Zen, whereas kensho is the deeper realization. Buddhist enlightenment means bodhi (fully awakening from the illusion of existence...

The Fruits of Being a Buddhist Recluse

Wisdom Quarterly based on Tipitaka.net ("Fruits of Recluseship," Samannaphala Sutta, DN 2)WHATMonks,  Chiang Mai (HipRoad/flickr.com)The discourse on the Fruits of Recluseship is the second sutra in the Long Discourses of the Buddha. It gives the background to the fraticidal King Ajatasattu, who became a lay disciple of the Buddha like his father but a little too late.   It starts with Ajatasattu in his palace seeking advice from his ministers which wandering ascetic or Brahmin...