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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dalai Lama: live online (webcast)

Mara Schaeffer, Wisdom QuarterlyLive webcasts: 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries   Kalmyk president with the Dalai LamaWant to attend live Dharma talks in India with the 14th Dalai Lama? Here's how without flying to Dharamsala, his home in exile. Catch his talks evenings at: dalailama.com/live-englishRecently while listening to the end of the first session, I found myself surprised by his refreshing honesty and practicality. He was very specific about the details of practice:...

PSY (Gangnam Style) to try RAP (video)

Boo, Tee, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Idolator; LA Weeky; Rolling Stone; Yahoo!; MTVPSY's "horse dance” comes from 1,000-year-old Buddhist ceremonial dance (Korean Bodega) Jazz impressario Dave Brubeck joins the Choir Invisible leaving a noteworthy legacy for musicians pushing the envelopeKorean Buddhist and the top draw in the short history of YouTube, PSY has his eye on rap. As he approaches a billion hits for "Gangnam Style," he fears becoming an irrelevant one-hit-wonder. Solution? Work...

The Afghan snow leopards

Wisdom Quarterly; ABCNews.com; NationalGeographic.com; TravelandLeisure.com Hemis National Park is best for snow leopards, Tibetan argali sheep, ibex... popularize the plight of the snow leopard and show travelers what’s at stake, researchers from the US-based Snow Leopard Conservancy have teamed up with tour operators to organize winter treks through the park located in Buddhist Ladakh, a trans-Himalayan region in the northwestern Indian state of Jammu-Kashmir (travelandleisure.com). ...