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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bhikkhu Bodhi WALKS to Feed the Hungry

Bhikkhu Bodhi (Buddhist Global Relief, FirstGiving.com); Wisdom QuarterlyBhikkhu Bodhi, prolific translatorLOS ANGELES, California - On Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 beginning at 9:00 am, American Buddhist scholar-monk Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi is helping raise money to provide for the hungry. All are invited to meet like minded fellows and have a great time! Donate now. Registration will start at 9:00 am at Santa Monica's New Crossroads School (3131 Olympic Bl., Santa Monica), where some parking is available....

Buddhist Rap Music Fan? Yes!

Reader N. "Hedgehog" Wilcox, San Francisco, to Wisdom Quarterly (SuperGreeny09)   By and large, Who's enjoying gangster rap music in America? The question is answered in the opening scene of the classic MTV movie Office Space by Mike Judge (creator of "Beavis & Butthead") featuring Jennifer Aniston ("Friends"). The character Michael Bolton is observed rapping (Scarface "No Tears") in his car.  WQ READER: I thought I was the only one, a Buddhist and a rap fan. As a White male and...

Adsense Untuk Umpan Ditiadakan

Setelah masuk ke dashboard blogspot dan melihat-lihat menu earning khususnya dalam hal penghasilan melalui saluran umpan (feed) barulah saya tahu kalau adsense untuk feed akan ditiadakan. Meskipun ikan untuk feed ditiadakan namun bagi pemilik akun adsense jangan khawatir, karena penghasilan melalui adsense masih tetap diperhitungkan hingga batas akhir.Entah apa alasan google untuk...