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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bhikkhu Bodhi WALKS to Feed the Hungry

Bhikkhu Bodhi (Buddhist Global Relief, FirstGiving.com); Wisdom Quarterly

Bhikkhu Bodhi, prolific translator
LOS ANGELES, California - On Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 beginning at 9:00 am, American Buddhist scholar-monk Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi is helping raise money to provide for the hungry. All are invited to meet like minded fellows and have a great time! Donate now. Registration will start at 9:00 am at Santa Monica's New Crossroads School (3131 Olympic Bl., Santa Monica), where some parking is available. The walk will start at 10:00 am and follow a three-mile route ending at Against the Stream (1001a Colorado Bl.) in Santa Monica, where a potluck lunch will be served. Participants are welcome to drop off food and beverages at Against the Stream before the walk. More

  • Contact: Tom Moritz
  • 310-963-0199
  • tom.moritz@gmail.com
The mission of Buddhist Global Relief (BGR) is to provide relief to the poor and needy throughout the world regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Bearing in mind the Buddha's statements that "Hunger is the worst kind of illness" and "The gift of food is the gift of life," BGR focuses on providing food aid to those afflicted by hunger and food-insecurity. Its long-range goal, however, is to combat all manifestations of poverty that detract from the inherent dignity of human life.

Buddhist Rap Music Fan? Yes!

Reader N. "Hedgehog" Wilcox, San Francisco, to Wisdom Quarterly
By and large, Who's enjoying gangster rap music in America? The question is answered in the opening scene of the classic MTV movie Office Space by Mike Judge (creator of "Beavis & Butthead") featuring Jennifer Aniston ("Friends"). The character Michael Bolton is observed rapping (Scarface "No Tears") in his car.
WQ READER: I thought I was the only one, a Buddhist and a rap fan. As a White male and a middle-class professional in the engineering field at a large Silicon Valley giant, I may not look the part, but I love gangsta rap. 

I'm not the only one. The violence always seemed cartoonish and bigger than life, in spite of the fact that I drive through Oakland on my daily commute and either a car was backfiring or I once heard gunshots. 

Being White means not thinking about race.
My Buddhist practice is largely confined to the East Bay and the City [San Francisco]. I rarely make it into Marin to sit vipassana. But Buddhism of all the world's religions most conforms to my reservedly skeptical scientific outlook. I'm not sure how I feel about my teenage daughter listening to rap. However, rap does beat her Deadmau5 and Skrillex.

(Does it? See below.)
"Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta" at "The Office" ()
Why are Whites so violent?
In this very violent scene from the comedy "Office Space" Michael Bolton and two of the other main characters beat a stolen FAX machine senseless and unwittingly inspire Family Guy's Stewie and Brian Griffin to exhibit the same level of aggression against a record. It even seems to have affected electronic dance music aficionados Deadmau5 and Gerard Way:

Here are two for your daughter courtesy of Deadmau5 and G3rard, "Professional Griefers," as well as Skrillex "First of the Year (Equinox)," which begs the question: Is EDM the scourge of the 'burbs?

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