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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Terbaru dari Blogger

Blogger sangat paham dengan kebutuhan para blogger yang selalu melakukan modifikasi blog agar semakin hari blognya akan berpenampilan semakin menarik dan semakin betah pengunjung berlama-lama di blog buatannya.Dengan selalu melakukan update kebutuhan-kebutuhan akan semua blogger, kini blogger melengkapi gadget-gadget pada blogspot dan ada beberapa gadget baru diantaranya Popular Posts dan...

Depression: A Reality of Samsara.

The last few days have been hard ones. I have chronic depression as some of you know from the bipolar end of my Schizoaffective disorder. When we are depressed and feeling defeated; it's all we can think about. In a sense, it's a denial that things are impermanent, and thus a denial that things will get better at some point. Thus, the depression becomes a downward spiral of self-fulling prophecy.We aren't bad or to blame for this denial because we wouldn't do it if we honestly didn't believe the...