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Thursday, October 25, 2012

ZEN: Wash your bowl (comics)

Wisdom Quarterly, Koan Study Group (PasaDharma.org), The Book of Equanimity A slice of wisdom from Zen Comics by Ionna Salajan (via voiceofhappiness)  PREFACE TO THE ASSEMBLYWhen food comes, fill the mouth.When sleep comes, close the eyes.When washing the face, rub the nose.When taking off straw sandals, touch the feet.At such times, if you miss the point, take a light and search hard in the depths of the night.How will you meet this? MAIN CASEAttention!A monk pleaded with Joshu, "Your student...

A Morning, Evening with Bhikkhu Bodhi (live)

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; BodhiMonastery.org; AgainsttheStream.org Live at Claremont Graduate School (10:00 am, Oct. 31, 2012)Live at Univ. of the West (10:00 am, Admin. 208, Oct 30, 2012) Live at ATS Monday (Oct. 29th), Santa Monica (see below)Live at Dharma Seal, Rosemead (10:00 am, Oct. 28, 2012) Against the Stream is welcoming America's most prolific scholar-monk, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi -- translator and author of The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Majjhima Nikaya), The Numerical Discourses...