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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Buddhist Radio: Anger, Emotions, the Brain

Karla McLaren (Language of Emotions), Dr. Rick Hanson (Enlightened Brain), Roy Tuckman ("Something's Happening," KPFK) and SoundsTrue.com; Wisdom QuarterlyDharma over the airwaves of LA (Ben Ashmole/flickr.com)    Loving is easier than taking a pill (weheartit.com)Los Angeles is fortunate to have Buddhism on the radio at 90.7 FM. The connected world is fortunate, too, because it streams worldwide.   Unfortunately, much of the Buddhist programming occurs overnight. It is radio...

Free Yoga at the Getty Museum

TheHookup.Flavorpill.com/ArtOfYoga2012We're teaming up with Naked Juice to present the Art of Yoga at the gorgeous Getty Center on Saturday, September 22nd, and we'd love for you to join us.  RSVP for your spot at the event, which features yoga instructor Ashley Turner, music by KCRW’s Jason Bentley, free museum entry after the event, and Naked Pure Coconut Water.    The first 100 people at the event score a free yoga mat, but we promise that everyone will leave reinvigorated, replenished,...

9-11's "Loose Change," "In Plane Sight" (video)

911veritas ("Loose Change Final Cut" 9/11 documentary); Wisdom Quarterly "In Plane Sight: Director's Cut"The long awaited 9/11 documentary is now available to the public through the Internet and on DVD. Loose Change (loosechange911.com) once viewed by millions interested in the truth of 9/11 will finally blow the lid off the most spectacular crime of our lives. The truth is unimaginable for those who investigate without the bias that it has to be one way or another. Let the facts speak for themselves. We have been lied to by the military-industrial complex long enough. So ask questions,...