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Monday, October 20, 2008

Istilah Singkatan dalam Komputer part W-X

warm boot, me load kembali sistem operasi atau mem boot/menghidupkan komputer ulang dari awal sedangkan komputer sudah dalam keadaan hidupwild card, suatu karakter atau huruf yang mewakili karakter atau huruf lain (biasanya digunakan dalam perintah dos yaitu wilcard * dan ?.windows, jenis sistem operasi yang dibuat oleh perusahaan sofware microsoft.window editor, suatu program editing yang...

Gold Scratched Off Historic Golden Buddhas in Burma.

by Aye Nai, Democratic Voice of Burma, Oct. 14, 2008 Magwe, Myanmar -- A pagoda treasurer and local village authorities have scratched off gold coating worth five billion kyat from historical Buddha statues in a village in Magwe division's Yaynanchaung township, according to villagers. "NLD member U Nan Win from Pin Phayagon village saw the pagoda's treasurer Mya Moe, the village Peace and Development Council chairman Kyi Nyunt and six other people in the village scratching off the gold from the...