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Saturday, April 21, 2012

瑤池金母談人生災難 / Malapetaka Dalam Kehidupan Manusia

Malapetaka Dalam Kehidupan Manusia (瑤池金母談人生災難)Nasehat Yaochijinmu MengenaiMalapetaka Dalam Kehidupan ManusiaDharmadesana Vajracarya Samantha (Lianhua Lihui) 19 May 2007Translated by Jun Shi AnSembah sujud kepada Mahamulacarya, Para Guru Silsilah, Para Buddha Bodhisattva Mandala dan adinata api homa.Selamat malam Acarya Lianzi(蓮紫上師), para bhiksu, saudara-saudari Sedharma sekalian, Om Mani Padme Hum. (tepuk tangan hadirin).Pada Upacara Api Homa hari ini, begitu mulai , begitu saya duduk , menjentikkan...

敬師 重法 實修 / Menghormati Guru, Menitikberatkan Dharma dan Tekun Bersadhana

Vajra Master Shi Lianning (釋蓮寧上師)敬師 重法 實修Menghormati Guru, Menitikberatkan Dharma dan Tekun Bersadhana<釋蓮寧上師2010年1月16日美國西雅圖雷藏寺週六同修法語開示>Dharmadesana Vajracarya Lian Ning di Seattle 16 Januari 2010Translated by Jun Shi AnTerlebih dahulu bersembah sujud kepada Mahamulacarya Liansheng ! sembah sujud kepada Padmakumara ! Sembah sujud kepada Mahadewi Resi Yaochi ! Sembah sujud kepada Dewi Sita Tara ! Sembah sujud kepada Para Buddha Bodhisattva, Dharmapala, serta suciwan di altar ! Mahaguru, Gurudhara,...

Meet the Buddha in Nature.

We all love the stunning beauty of the great Buddhist temples and shrines that stir the heart spiritually. However, I have found just as much spiritual inspiration in the forests and mountains as any ancient holy site. Perhaps that's because since I was a small boy, here in the mountains of Colorado, I have spent countless hours communing with the whispering pines and listening to the profound babbling of the meandering streams. Stood with rapture and awe atop the highest mountain-tops, as...