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Friday, July 20, 2012

Comics make everything better (cartoon)

Cartoonist David Horsey (latimes.com) and others; P.B. Law (buddhisthumor.org)(Thetandd.com) With the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, inside a packed movie theater showing “The Dark Knight Rises,” questions are being raised as to whether there is any connection between the killings and the movie’s plot and the character of Batman -- in which a masked villain leads a murderous crew into a packed football stadium and wages an attack involving guns and explosives. More    Animation: Buddhist/Christian...

"Killing Buddha" - the movie (video)

Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly (CFL) Betsy Chasse, co-writer/producer of "What the Bleep Do We Know?!," on her latest independent film, "Killing Buddha." There is a horrific Mahayana Buddhist expression that -- going against the very heart of Theravada Buddhist sentiment -- runs: “If you see the Buddha on the road, [blank] him.”      There are, after all, only five heinous deeds with fixed karmic results: (1) intentionally harming...

Asian-Americans and Religion (Pew Forum)

Leslie Berestein Rojas (MultiAmerican.SCPR.org); Pew ForumOne-in-seven Americans are now Buddhists. Most in the US are fluid and searching.   A month after a Pew Research Center report on Asians becoming the nation’s fastest-growing immigrant group faced criticism for downplaying Asian Americans’ diversity, Pew has come back with a new report that focuses on the diversity of their religious beliefs.    While it does not address the socioeconomic and educational diversity and...