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Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Buddha's First Sermon (sutra)

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly translation (Dhammachakapavattana Sutra, SN 56.11)(My-Third-Eye/flickr.com)PREFACE: Seven weeks after the great enlightenment, the former ascetic Prince Siddhartha, now the fully awakened Buddha, set out to teach his five former companions. He realized that they were still stuck in the futility of struggling by severe asceticism near India' holy city on the Ganges, Varanasi. He had previously practiced with them undertaking the most extreme penances and painful observances....

Biodata Pasha Ungu

Biodata Pasha Ungu - Setelah kami hadirkan Biodata Coboy Junior dan juga biodata girlband Blink serta Cherry belle sekarang kami share biadata Pasha ungu,Pasha (lahir di Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, 27 November 1979; umur 32 tahun), seorang pria berdarah Bugis,adalah vokalis grup band Ungu. Pasha bergabung dengan Ungu pada tahun 1999. Pasha adalah anak dari pasangan Syamsuddin Said dan Andi Bumbeng.Sebelum bergabung dengan Ungu, Pasha sebelumnya telah muncul di dunia hiburan Indonesia sebagai model...