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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cara Setting Modem Kartu Telkomsel

Cara Setting Modem Kartu Telkomsel. Sebenarnya saya masih menggunakan 3 three untuk koneksi internet di Denpasar, namun karena liburan ke daerah NTT akhirnya saya harus menggunakan sementara kartu telkomsel agar bisa akses internet di daerah saya di NTT. Modem yang saya gunakan selama ini adalah ZTE Beeline MF180, sebelumnya saya juga pernah menggunakan modem Huawei, namun modem huawei sudah...

Jesus was married, papyrus shows

Natalie Wolchover (LiveScience.com, Sept. 29, 2012 via Yahoo! News)Saint Mary Magdalene and famous husband (For all the Saints)   The money changers! (theatlantic.com)A scrap of papyrus from the early Christian era that refers to Jesus having a wife has met with extreme skepticism since its unveiling 11 days ago. Many scholars have declared the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" a modern forgery -- one that probably postdates Dan Brown's 2003 novel, "The Da Vinci Code." Others say that...