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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Menambah Link List ke Blog

Di setiap kali anda mengunjungi sebuah situs sering anda lihat link-link yang dapat anda klik untuk menuju ke situs lain atau halaman lain.Link ini dimaksud agar terjalin hubungan antara situs yang satu dengan situs yang lain yang mungkin memiliki jenis produk yang sama atau bahkan hanya sekedar menempatkan link sebagai sesama webmaster atau sesama blogger.Dengan adanya saling bertukar link...

Intentional Chocolate.

I was recently given a chance to sample some tasty chocolate (dark chocolate even--my favorite) from a company called, "Intentional Chocolate." First let me say that it is some of the best chocolate that I have ever had as it tastes like each piece is homemade by some cook's ancient family recipe. One of the reasons that I think I enjoyed this chocolate so much was because I knew that it was made with loving, caring, compassionate people. From the I.C. website:Proven through scientific research...