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Friday, April 3, 2009

Menjaga Compact Disk (CD) Player Agar Lebih Awet

Dulu sebelum dikenal adanya compact disk, semua installasi software pada komputer dilakukan dengan menggunakan disket. Namun seiring perkembangan teknologi munculah teknologi yang lebih canggih dan lebih besar kapasitas penyimpanan data serta memiliki kecepatan proses yang lebih tinggi pula yaitu piringan compact disk atau lebih sering disebut CD (sidi) atau orang awam menyebutnya "kase...

The Importance of Buddhist Relics

For better or for worse I am not one for superstitions and since becoming a Buddhist 7 years ago I have often been baffled by the Buddhist relics, which every temple from Nepal to Japan seem to have enshrined. There is much superstition associated with these relics. The ones that grab the attention of this skeptic the most are the ones claiming to be remnants from the body of Buddha. First of all how does anyone know that a tiny piece of bone or tooth is that of Shakyamuni Buddha Siddharta Gautama?...