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Monday, August 13, 2012

Future Dangers (sutra)

Wisdom Quarterly translation (Anagata Bhayani Sutras)Time bells and Buddhas in Borobudur, Indonesia (H. Koppdelaney/H-K-D/Flickr.com)   Monastics, there are five future dangers. They are enough, when considered, for one living apart -- heedful, ardent, determined -- to live well. So one will attain the unattained, reach the unreached, realize the unrealized. What are the five?    1. At present I am young, dark-haired, endowed with the blessings of youth, in the prime (first...

"Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage"?

Sony has launched an eponymous blogging contest to promote its new TV serial. It is promoting it in association with Indiblogger, an Indian blogger community.    A brief introduction to the show's concept is that two best friends want a happy marriage but are on opposite sides of the love/arranged marriage debate.Bloggers have been invited to share their side of the debate with absolutely cool incentives thrown in. There are three Amazon Kindle Fires, five Amazon Kindles, and 35 shopping...

Tips Merawat Laptop

Laptop adalah salah satu perangkat komputer jinjing yang mudah dan praktis dibawa kemana-mana, yang membutuhkan perhatian serta perawatan khusus karena perangkat ini terbilang lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan pc desktop, oleh karenanya perlu perawatan yang tepat sehingga menghindari pengeluaran biaya yang lebih besar untuk perbaikan laptop.Laptop adalah perangkat komputer jinjing yang sangat...