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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Everybody dies but...

NOT everybody lives" (Red Bull)   After flying to an altitude of 39,045 meters (128,100 feet or 24.26 miles) in a helium-filled balloon, daredevil "astronaut" Felix Baumgartner completed a record breaking jump for the ages. He is "the man who fell to Earth."Felix sky dives to Earth from spaceMeditation too hard? Try Parkour!From the edge of space, exactly 65 years after Chuck Yeager first broke the sound-barrier flying in an experimental rocket-powered airplane, Felix broke the record...

Race Relations in America (video)

SCPR.org (KPCC FM); Wisdom Quarterly Watch Race 2012 - Preview on PBS. See more from Race 2012   "OBAMA — Racial barrier falls in decisive victory" was the New York Times headline four years ago after B.S. Obama won the election. But just how much have racial relations changed since 2008? That's one of the questions explored in a documentary on PBS called "RACE 2012."Hipster racism: myth or fact? (Patt Morrison)  The term "hipster racism" has been tweeted about quite a bit lately,...

Cara Install Movie Maker Windows 7

Hari ini saya kedatangan 3 orang mantan murid saya di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dengan membawa laptop masing-masing. Pak tolong installing movie maker karena di laptop kami tidak ada movie maker, begitulah permintaan anak didik untuk diisntalkan movie maker di laptopnya. Coba kemari bawa laptopnya, kata saya, dan setelah memperhatikan sejenak, memang tidak ada windows movie maker pada...

Can RAP Music Fans be Buddhists? (video)

Boo and Tee tag team interview (edited by Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seven), Wisdom Quarterly Artistic inked rendition of Boo and Tee (tattoo art by Erika Doyon/StudioArtease)     The Godfather of Soul James Brown"Yeah we #1/Boo the color of mayonnaise/Tee the color of Akon/Trippin like a purpa haze/Got our tie we on/[Rap] her under the table/But babe she won."  The question arises around the campus offices of Wisdom Quarterly: Can someone be a Buddhist AND a hip hop gangsta-rap...